Error trying to write array to range


J. Caplan

I have data in a two dimensional array of Variants but I get an
"Application-defined or Object-defined error" (number 1004) when I try to
assign to the array to the range. I tried to simplify this with a
one-dimensional array of strings and that still fails. Here is my simple
test below

Public Sub MyTest()

Dim arr() As String
ReDim arr(1 To 5)

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

arr(1) = "AB"
arr(2) = "CD"
arr(3) = "EF"
arr(4) = "GH"
arr(5) = "IJ"

Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range("A2", Cells(2, 5))
Debug.Print (rng.Address) ' <== Returns $A$2:$E$2

rng.value = arr ' <== ERROR OCCURS ON THIS LINE

Call MsgBox(Err.Description & " - " & Err.Number)
End Sub

What am I missing?



Sub Cap()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Arr(1 To 5)
Set Rng = Range("A2", Cells(2, 5))
Arr(1) = "AB"
Arr(2) = "CD"
Arr(3) = "EF"
Arr(4) = "GH"
Arr(5) = "IJ"
Rng.Value = Arr
End Sub

Rick Rothstein

I don't get an error with your code... at least not #1004. I do get an error
#0 shown, but that is because you did not include an Exit Sub statement in
front of the ErrorHandler label, so your successful code is falling through
to the error handler below.

Dave Peterson

It worked ok in my brand new test worksheet. But I would add an "exit sub"
before the errorhandler: line.

Is your worksheet protected?

J. Caplan

I realized I was missing the End Sub after I submitted, but since that wasn't
the problem, I didn't bother re-posting.

I was about to reply that my worksheet is not protected, and I realized what
the problem is. I wrote this UDF but had not put in hooks to call it yet, so
I altered the code to a formula I wrote and had it call my function. I am
failing to write to the cells since I am in the middle of a formula when I am
trying to write these values.

If I call my function from a button click, it writes fine.

Thanks for the reply and sorry for jumping the gun and posting when it was
clearly "User Error"!!!

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