ERROR: There is no source code available for the current location.


Phil Galey

I'm developing in VB.NET 2002 on Windows 2000 SP4.

When I'm running my application in the design environment, it generates an error at one point that says: "There is no source code available for the current location."

If I click OK, it still runs the code, but it will not allow me to run it in break mode after that point, even if I put a Stop statement in the code. It ignores the Stop statement.

It was originally running into this error at a line which executes a 3rd party COM method. Mut the the problem migrated to an earlier line, where it's working only with intrinic VB.NET objects.

Could it be multi-threading perhaps, even though my program is not set up nor intended for multi-threading? Is there a solution for this problem? Thanks.


We can say: there is the .Net error handle bug. But, the bug comes from your
incorrect code.
How to fix:
case 1: Checking TextWriter, TextRead, FileStream, ... has been closed
before you want to re-open the same file.
case 2: Verifying Data connection
case ...

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