Error- The call to getCustomUI() for Ribbon ID "Microsoft.outlook.



I am getting an error every time i Hit the New email button that says -The
call to getCustomUI() for Ribbon ID "Microsoft.outlook.Mail.compose failed.
This is in Office 2007 beta. I have had nothing but problems with office 2007
beta. It does not download pictures in the email despite me having the box
checked to download the pictures automatically. And before when I started to
type an email address it would give suggestions on previous ones I typed and
now it doesnt. I dont know if any of these things are related but I mention
them under this post incase they are. Thank you for any help.

I have run Diagnostic, I have done repair and neither has fixed the problem.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

That error message would only be there if some customization is being
attempted on the ribbon and it's failing. Are you running any code that's
trying to customize the ribbon or running any Outlook 2007 addins?

Patrick Schmid

The problem you are experiencing is caused by an add-in. Specifically,
you seem to have an add-in installed that was designed for Office 2007
and tries to alter the ribbon. I would almost guess that you had an
earlier beta version on your computer (B1 or B1TR) and the add-in was
working fine there. Then you upgraded to B2 and now the add-in is making
trouble because the syntax to customize the ribbon has changed from B1TR
to B2. Or you installed an add-in that was designed for B1TR on your B2
system. Or you installed an add-in that came with incorrect syntax.
You have two options: Either figure out which add-in causes the trouble
by selectively disabling them via Trust Center, Add-Ins. Or you can
simply disable these error messages altogether (essentially ignore
them). I don't see a setting to change this behavior in Outlook, so you
should open Excel, PPT or Word. Go into Options, Advanced, scroll to the
bottom. In the general section, deselect "Show add-in user interface
errors". This will affect all ribbon applications.

Do you have AVG as virus scanner by any chance? If you do, disable its
Outlook integration. That seems to be the fix for images and text not

Patrick Schmid


WEll I did not upgrade from an earlier beta of office. Before B2 i was using
office 2003 and had no problems. But it seems I am getting more and more
issues with the Beta 2. I reviewed the add ins and they are all microsoft. So
I am not so sure I am getting the error from there. I would just disable the
messages but then I wont be able to know when there is an error and I like to
trouble shoot more than I like to just ignore. I do think I have a problem
with this beta. For many things seem broke or not working. The pictures in
the emails all show up as X's even knowing I have it set to download the
pictures automatically. But this is a beta so We work the bugs out as we go.


And though we think this is an ad in problem I tend to think its more. I
forgot to mention that I have many issues. LIke when I type the name to
address an email. It used to auto suggest but once I close outlook and reopen
it does not do it. Yes I have the right boxes checked for it to auto suggest.
Its like it erases the list of emails Ive typed or something. And the ribbon
issue. the only thing I did was to actually add items to the ribbon like
Print, save as, email. I did not ad any coms or add-ins. I have gone as far
as done a repair to office and even the Diagnostic with no success.


Not that I know of. The only thing I have done is to ad things to the ribbon
like the Save, save as, Print Preview and email. those are normal things it
lets you chose. I have not put any ad ins that I know of. It seems there is a
bug in the Beta for I keep finding different errors the more I explore the
Beta. LIke the pictures in Emails. even knowing I have it set to
automatically download the pictures. it does not, I only see the X, I didnt
have this issue with 2003, or the auto suggest name when addressing an email.
When I open the program and go to address an email it will not suggest any
names. Then if I say send myself an email , then click new for a new email
and go to address it to myself it will suggest my name. But soon as I close
the outlook program and re open it will not suggest it . SOmething is
clearing the suggest names or cache if it has one. Im almost to the point of
uninstalling and going back to office 2003. This beta is not ready for
production nor for beta in my opinion. I appreciate all your help and I will
appreciate any suggestions

Patrick Schmid

Can you tell us what the customUI error message says exactly?
What add-ins do you have installed (active and inactive), even though
they are all Microsoft? Is OneNote 2007 installed? If yes, which beta

Patrick Schmid


The exact message is below

The call to getCustomUI() for Ribbon ID "Microsoft.outlook.Mail.compose

Patrick Schmid add-in crashed I think.
First make sure you see the error message, then go into trust center,
add-ins. Click go next to com add-ins.
Then go to the topmost add-in and look at load behavior. If it doesn't
say anything related to runtime error or crash, then scroll down to the
next add-in in that list. Go through the entire list like that. If you
find one that says runtime error or crash, post its name here.

Patrick Schmid

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

It's a beta, that's what they are. They have bugs and hopefully they all get
fixed by the time the software is released. You never should run a beta on a
production machine, only a test machine. To do otherwise is not wise.

Customizing the QAT as you did has no effect on the ribbon. If you are
getting any errors about getCustomUI() it means something is looking for the
ribbon custom XML and not finding it.

Look in the Trust Center's Addins tab and select COM addins, then click Go.
See what's checked there and uncheck everything. If the errors stop you can
re-check them one at a time until the errors start up again. That's the
problem addin.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

The error only indicates that the addin was attempting to handle a new mail
item opening.

Patrick Schmid

Actually no. If it had been a RibbonX error, the message would have been
different. It would have indicated what the actual problem in the
RibbonX code was.
However the message he got said that the call to GetCustomUI failed.
From my own experience that message means the program threw an exception
when GetCustomUI was called. Try inserting some code into GetCustomUI
(or anything that it calls for that matter) that throws a null pointer
exception or a type cast exception and you will see exactly that
message. Those two are my favorites and I have seen this message way too
often when working on my own add-in...

Patrick Schmid


Ok to an extent your right. when I try to start a new email I just got this
one. Custom UI runtime Error in Microsoft Access outlook add- in for Data
collecting and Publishing. (it said that at the top of the error box) and
then the error was The call the Get Custom UI()for Ribbon ID
"MIcrosoft.outlook.Mail.Compose" Failed. But what does not make since is I
disabled all like you said. Then I enabled one at a time. and they are all
enabled and the error is not happening anymore. Go figure welcome to the
wonderful world of Beta. But as always I thank you for your time and input.


I have one more question maybe you can help with. SO now the Error is gone
after I disabled all and Re enabled all. Why that fixed the first Problem I
dont know. But You know how when you go to type the address where your
sending your email. It usually auto suggests depending on the addresses you
have sent mail to. Well as long as I dont close the outlook program that
works fine. But if I close it and open it and try to address an email it no
longer auto suggests any names. Once the email is sent if I were to try and
send an email to the same one I just sent it will auto suggest that one name.
But the problem is it seems to forget once I close the Outlook program. It
never did this in Outlook 2003. Is this a bug or feature that they no have
set to clear all names on the Auto address?

Patrick Schmid

Please go into Trust Center, Add-Ins and take a look at that add-in
(Microsoft Access Outlook Add-in for Data Collecting and Publishing). If
you click on it once, you should see more information about it below the
list. Can you tell us exactly what the Location says for this add in?


Patrick Schmid

Patrick Schmid

Never mind. I repro this problem here and will file a bug on it!

Patrick Schmid


Thank you. If I knew how to report the bug I would myself. but there is
definately one. I love the forums. I wish more people would view these forums
as a way of making a product better than just looking for a quick fix. You
MVP's sure make this a great place and I thank you all for your time and


Patrick Schmid

Hi Matthew,

One has to be a member of the official technical beta of Office 2007 to
be able to file a bug (it's a 10,000 people group and closed to new
members). I filed a bug for this.
I am not an MVP, but thanks for appreciating the effort.

Patrick Schmid

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Yes, but that specific error was about opening a new mail item in an

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

It's a bug, and it's intermittent. I see that sometimes but not always on
one of the machines where I'm running Outlook 2007 but not on the other 2.

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