Error Suddenly Popping UP!!! Please HELP!!!


Microsoft News

I recently was doing some work and made no big code change. I did change
some references, add in some new reference, etc. the project was running

Then starting on Monday, my latest build start having the following problem.
At certain points in the code I am getting the error:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' occurred in

Additional information: The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic

Now I can remove reference, and rebuild and the error seems to go away.
However, it then comes back and not consistantly. Sometime I can run
through some code and get NO error. Then I can run again and get the error.
It seems to be tied to the new reference but I can not figure out why.

I have reloaded reference, rebuild, deleted old DLLs from the bin directory,
etc. but still my development environment and my test computers get the
error. They can run fine for a while then it will start coming back.

Anyone out there who have any Clues!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Clyde W.

Microsoft News

One more thing I forgot to mention. I am getting this error not just with
one of my references but also with another reference DLL. They both happen
randomly and give me the EXACT same error message. So it is confusing me.

Chris Dunaway

Perhaps you could post a print out of the stack trace when you get the
error? Maybe that would give a clue?

Microsoft News


Here is the stack trace, but I should let you know what new information I
found out. This problem has changed some. It seems to not be the DLL
reference that is in the stack trace, it turned out to be another DLL that I
compiled and added to the project. I added a DLL (let's call its AA.DLL)
that is created in C# to my VB.Net project. This AA.DLL looks like it does
everything it is suppose to, I get NO errors from it. I get no errors from
any part of the program that this AA.DLL is in. Also, this AA.DLL is created
in C# and I think I compiled it correctly. However, this other DLL (The one
in the stack trace below, call it BB.DLL) is throwing this exception. These
two DLL are not related, not used together, and does not even interface with
each other. So I pulled out the AA.DLL out of the project and my error went
away. The second DLL, BB.DLL, was also created in C# but is not one I

SO if anyone has ever seen this problem, let me know. Is there something
about creating a C# DLL that I missed that is causing this problem. How do
I track this down?

The stack strace below is what the second DLL, BB.DLL, is throwing. It only
throws the exception when I open the screen that the first DLL, AA.DLL, is
in then go to the code where BB.DLL is in. If I just start the application
and go to the code where BB.DLL is located then no problem.

Here is the stack trace:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for
"SimTech.EDI.X12.X12EnvelopeTemplate" threw an exception. --->
System.NotSupportedException: The invoked member is not supported in a
dynamic module.
at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetManifestResourceNames()
at SimTech.EDI.X12.X12EnvelopeTemplate..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at SimTech.EDI.X12.X12EnvelopeTemplate.get_Instance()
at SimTech.EDI.X12.X12DocumentParser.ParseSegment(Token segmentToken,
Token[] tokens)
at SimTech.EDI.X12.X12DocumentParser.Parse()
at SimTech.EDI.X12.X12DocumentParser..ctor(String x12Document)
at MHSBusiness.CBillingRemittance.ProcessHIPAA835(FileInfo pobjFile) in
C:\Dev\MHSPrototype\MHSBusiness\CBillingRemittance.vb:line 179
at BillingMod.frmBilling.mnuToolsAutoRemit_Click(Object sender, EventArgs
e) in C:\Dev\MHSPrototype\BillingMod\frmBilling.vb:line 6337

If anyone out there has a CLUE then let me know.


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