Error Reports in MSAS Folder


Kirk Mango

I have read at this site that others have an error report
that builds up to very large sizes with MSAS. I am not
sure, but I checked in the Microsoft Antisoftware Folder
on my C Drive and found only one text document file that
has a title of error. First, is this the file that
everyone is talking about that tends to build up to an
unmanagable size and eats up drive space? Second, I have
the program on two computers with Windows SP w/SP2
installed and updated and on one computer it is 16kb in
size (installation is 1.5 months old) while the newer
installation (2 weeks old) it is 6kb. Is this OK and
what should I expect out of these files as time goes on?


Andre Da Costa

Yep, thats the one, it doesn't eat up Gigabytes of space on my PC like it
does on some persons PC's. So, it varies, but you should keep a close eye on

Bill Sanderson

The file is called "errors.log" and by default typically is found in
c:\program files\microsoft antispyware.

The vast majority of beta users experience no problem with this file at all,
so I wouldn't worry about it, particularly if you have lots of spare disk

My home machine is VERY constrained for disk space--I think I have 40 megs
free on the system drive, for example--and I've had no problem with this
file. I have definitely seen the problem on other systems, however.

If I were running this beta on a server, or on a machine shared between a
number of users, I would keep an eye on that file, on perhaps a weekly
basis. Otherwise, I wouldn't worry about it.

Kirk Mango

So then is 16kb considered large for this file after
around two months or is this still normal or small???


Andre Da Costa

Very small, compare that to persons with 4GB error logs, now thats a

Bill Sanderson

They are all over the map. That sounds like a normal or small file to me.
When it grows, it can reach 4 gigs without difficulty. I'd say a file in
the "megs" range would be of concern.

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