
My browser keeps crashing and I always see the Windows Error Reporting
dialog, I'd like to know where I can find the error notes or files are stored
in my computer.

Any hear out there please ?

Rick Rogers


Event Viewer. Just type it into the start/search line.

Try this: Click start and type "internet explorer". Once of the options in
the menu will be to run it with no addons. Try this mode. If it doesn't
crash, then it indicates that the problem lies with a plug-in that you can
disable via the Control Panel/Internet Options/Programs tab/Manage addons.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
My thoughts


iMarriedMyself said:
My browser keeps crashing and I always see the Windows Error Reporting
dialog, I'd like to know where I can find the error notes or files are stored
in my computer.

Any hear out there please ?

Microsoft Window Vista Is A Piece Of Junk Operating System And Microsoft
Knows About All Of It's Problems, But They Still Refuse 2 Have It
Recalled, And The Bush Administration Is Refusing 2 Take Action Against
Microsoft As Well, Just FYI. Re-Format Your computer And Install Your
Favourite Distro Of Open Source Linux, Just FYI.

zachd [MSFT]

Besides Event Viewer as Rick helpfully mentioned, there's also the "Problem
Reports and Solutions Center" Control Panel, which may be more helpful as it
allows you to Check For Solutions right there.

Rick's suggestion of disabling Add-Ons was an excellent idea - did that work
for you?

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