ERROR - Program cannot display the webpage


Bill Martin

Vista Mail occasionally pops up a Vista error message window "This
program cannot display the webpage". Followed by some other
explanation and suggestions. Ok - fine.

The aggravating thing is that there's no way to get rid of the error
window. There's no "Close" link. There's no "X" in the corner. No
drop down menus. So far as I can tell, Microsoft intends the error
window to remain on your screen until the end of time (or a reboot -
whichever comes first).

Obviously I'm missing something. Does anyone know what Microsoft's
intention is with this window? And how to get rid of it short of



Bill Martin

Have you tried putting the focus in the window, and pressing Alt-F4?

Next time it happens I'll try that -- if I remember it. I've never
heard of that technique.

I can't really say that's an obvious way to get rid of a message
window. If that's what Microsoft intends, they sure as heck should
put that in the window as an additional message. They put all that
energy into eye candy to slow down Vista, but overlook something as
basic as closing a message window.



Mark L. Ferguson

I think you are going to find that some file, probably a dll called
comctl32.dll ('common controls'), is damaged, or perhaps some lesser app you
installed has put one. There is a system file repair utility run with the
command 'sfc /scannow' that will repair comctl32.
Another possibility, of course is some conflict between a hardware drive
and a recent update. Much like early XP, nothing is impossible, but my
feeling is that there would be that a lot more reports of this evident here.
Chasing down a common control error is technical, and involves finding the
MUI file at fault. (conctl32.dll.mui) with tools from

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Mark L. Ferguson


Bill Martin

I think you are going to find that some file, probably a dll called
comctl32.dll ('common controls'), is damaged, or perhaps some lesser app you
installed has put one. There is a system file repair utility run with the
command 'sfc /scannow' that will repair comctl32.
Another possibility, of course is some conflict between a hardware drive
and a recent update. Much like early XP, nothing is impossible, but my
feeling is that there would be that a lot more reports of this evident here.
Chasing down a common control error is technical, and involves finding the
MUI file at fault. (conctl32.dll.mui) with tools from


I guess I'm stumped what Msft intends with that window though. There
is no manual way to close it - failing or not.

So do they intend it's one of those error windows they flash up and
then remove before you can react to it? Those are lousy too.

And my personal favorite are the Msft popup warnings from the system
tray that are positioned half visible and half beneath my active
working window, but if I do anything to bring them to the surface to
make them readable they automatically disappear. Admittedly I haven't
seen that one in Vista yet, but it's an XP favorite.

Ah well... I'll look at the DLL this evening, but since it's a new
machine with very little software installed I doubt there's been
anything tampered with.


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