Error Outlook 2000


Filipe Santos

Expensive gentlemen,
I come for this way to request support mainly technician
due to a set of errors that have come to occur, with
programs of the Office, nominated the Microsoft Outlook
2000 and Microsoft Word 2000.

Error in the Microsoft Outlook 2000:

The Error for the Microsoft Outlook 2000: 1.º - Always
that I open Outlook 2000, the message appears immediately
the following message: Error Outlook.exe has generated and
will beand will be closed by Windows. You will need you
restart the program. Error An log is being created.

LapTop Marca:Compaq
Model: EVO n600c
Year Acquisition: 2004
S.O.:Windows 2000 Professional

Error in the Microsoft Word 2000:

The Error for the Microsoft Outlook 2000: 1.º - Always
that I open the Microsoft Word 2000, the following message
appears first: This document may corrupt. You contents
preserves the: Choose Select All from the Edit menu, then
choose Copy from the Edit menu. Create new document, then
choose Paste from the Edit menu. I made click in button
OK. e the document opened. I tried to make what the
message says but, or either to select the document all, to
copy and glue in another document. I thought that the case
was decided, I started to insert given to the document,
immediately appeared the following message:

Error WUINWORD.exe has generated and will beand will be
closed by Windows. You will need you restart the program.
Error An log is being created. Finally the program and the
document are closed automatically.

Computer: LapTop
Marca:Compaq Model:
EVO n600c
Year Acquisition: 2004
S.O.:Windows 2000 Professional
Therefore ahead of these pictures, I request your
contribution, for the overcoming of this problem. Better,

Filipe Dos Santos
IT Manager


Since it appears you have both an outlook and word
problem, the Office 2000 installation may have become
corrupt. I would suggest you conpletely remove and then re-
install the Office 2000 suite. When installing, select the
custom install and then when the sceen shows the install
features, select the first and choose "run all from my

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