error messages



error messages read:

HP Advisor has stopped working

Printer Interface has stopped working

AIOC.exe has stopped working

Quicken Launcher has stopped working

Does anyone have an answer to my problem?

Thank you


Well what's the problem?
Maybe your printer driver/software isn't vista compatible.

Lang Murphy

Hannah said:
error messages read:

HP Advisor has stopped working

Printer Interface has stopped working

AIOC.exe has stopped working

Quicken Launcher has stopped working

Does anyone have an answer to my problem?

Thank you

If you have a new HP computer that came with Vista installed it's HP's
responsibility to support you. If you have an HP computer on which you
installed a retail license of Vista, then it's MS's responsibility to
support you. If you have an HP computer on which you installed an OEM copy
of Vista, then you're up the creek without a paddle, because you, then, are
the party responsible for supporting yourself.



I bought a computer with Vista installed. I have spent 90% of my life, since
then, on the phone with Tech support. Absolutely NOTHING works. Yes, HP is
supposed to help and after a two hour session with them all I get is "Oh
well, nothing we can do". I have hundreds of dollars in Adobe and other
graphic/DVD software that will not load or work on this computer. I have a
graphics business and I have to take my work to another computer to complete
my work and burn my DVDs. I can't do ANYTHING on this computer without being
plagued with error messages. I wish I had the money to buy a MAC.

Lang Murphy

LadyL said:
I bought a computer with Vista installed. I have spent 90% of my life,
then, on the phone with Tech support. Absolutely NOTHING works. Yes, HP is
supposed to help and after a two hour session with them all I get is "Oh
well, nothing we can do". I have hundreds of dollars in Adobe and other
graphic/DVD software that will not load or work on this computer. I have a
graphics business and I have to take my work to another computer to
my work and burn my DVDs. I can't do ANYTHING on this computer without
plagued with error messages. I wish I had the money to buy a MAC.


Sorry to hear of your troubles. Can you detail the software you're having
troubles with? Maybe others, since I am no graphics SME, can assist you if
you post the specifics. If you're still within the Return window, think
about returning the PC to the vendor from which you purchased it.

Good luck,



Let me count the ways:

1. Adobe Premier Elements 3.0.2. Had initial problem of "jumpy" vidoes.
Solved problem by opening vidoe in Windows Movie Maker, save as DV AVI then
open in jumpies. Too much extra steps but it works.

2. Cannot burn from Premiere Elements 3.0.2. Can create, can edit but when I
try to burn I get error message "Could not initialize DVD burning engine".
After a two hour session is HP (my computer) tech support, their solution was
to send me a new DVD burner. Did not solve the problem. I still cannot burn
from PE 3.0.2. What good is an imcomplete program?

3. Pinnacle Stuido MediaSuite Titanium v10.5: cannot install software. Tried
several times...incomplete installation. I downloaded (a 4+ hour download)
Pinnacle's Vista downloader. That won't install either.

4. I am a long time user of Roxio. I could not install Creator 8 so I
purchased Creator 9 (Vista certified). The software installed but nothing, I
mean absolutely no programs in the Roxio menu, would open up. I spent hours
on the phone with Roxio tech support. I jumped through every hoop they gave
me. The program will NOT work. Their solution? Return the software; which I
did and now I'm out $15 in shipping because they don't refund shipping.

5. Printers: 2 hp and 1 Epson. They work but not all functions are available
now on Vista.

Sorry for the long post but you did ask for specifics. I keep getting
messages that I can't do anything because I am not the administrator but it
won't give me administrator priviledges. I give up. I am beyond frustrated
with Windows Vista. And yes, it's no longer returnable. I really like the
Vista interface and the many new things it offers, but cute doesn't get my
work done.
I virtually have an $800 paperweight on my desk.


Exactly what most people feel like...

LadyL said:
Let me count the ways:

1. Adobe Premier Elements 3.0.2. Had initial problem of "jumpy" vidoes.
Solved problem by opening vidoe in Windows Movie Maker, save as DV AVI
open in jumpies. Too much extra steps but it works.

2. Cannot burn from Premiere Elements 3.0.2. Can create, can edit but when
try to burn I get error message "Could not initialize DVD burning engine".
After a two hour session is HP (my computer) tech support, their solution
to send me a new DVD burner. Did not solve the problem. I still cannot
from PE 3.0.2. What good is an imcomplete program?

3. Pinnacle Stuido MediaSuite Titanium v10.5: cannot install software.
several times...incomplete installation. I downloaded (a 4+ hour download)
Pinnacle's Vista downloader. That won't install either.

4. I am a long time user of Roxio. I could not install Creator 8 so I
purchased Creator 9 (Vista certified). The software installed but nothing,
mean absolutely no programs in the Roxio menu, would open up. I spent
on the phone with Roxio tech support. I jumped through every hoop they
me. The program will NOT work. Their solution? Return the software; which
did and now I'm out $15 in shipping because they don't refund shipping.

5. Printers: 2 hp and 1 Epson. They work but not all functions are
now on Vista.

Sorry for the long post but you did ask for specifics. I keep getting
messages that I can't do anything because I am not the administrator but
won't give me administrator priviledges. I give up. I am beyond frustrated
with Windows Vista. And yes, it's no longer returnable. I really like the
Vista interface and the many new things it offers, but cute doesn't get my
work done.
I virtually have an $800 paperweight on my desk.

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