Error messages an slow computer



For the last 5 days my computer has been mind-numbingly SLOW! I have checked
everything, all the connections and they seem to be fine. I have deleted and
uninstalled a bunch of programs or files that I did'nt need, I've done a disk
cleanup and a disk defragment. I also have McAfee security center and I have
done countless virus scans. Still after all my efforts, nothing. It's still
sooooo slow, it takes at least a full minute to load just one page when I am
browsing on the internet. The computer I have is new, less than a year old. I
also have a cable modem so things shouldnt be this slow. Please help me, I
don't know what else to do!
Also, I have been trying to download myspace instant messenger and when I
do, it will go through the whole download process but when its done
downloading it won't run and an a message comes on the page that says "this
application has failed to initialize, please click ok to terminate the
application" Does any one know what this means? I have wrote to
many times about this and no one ever responds. I used to have myspace
instant messenger on my computer for about 4 months and then it just all of a
sudden stopped working, I have tried uninstalling it and then reinstalling it
again, i have also tried disabling my security center while I was
downloading, no one else seems to be having this problem with myspaceIM,
would anyone happen to know why I am having this problem.
Any help on these problems that anyone can give me will be greatly
appreciated. I don't know what else to do! Thanks


Had the same problem with my Dell computers (Pentium 4, 1GB RAM, 3.8 mhkz,
Tracked it down to McAfee.

McAfee has loaded many features into IE. Check out Manage Add-ons and see
the extensions that McAfee has added. These are executed for each page you
view. I believe there is at least 3 extensions. They all start with McAfee
in the list.

The same is for the system in general. If you have the default installation
configuration on that is delivered with McAfee Security Suite, it is
monitoring everything ... especially dealing with e-mail.

Check out the Configuration settings (turn off outgoing e-mail checks and

I finally ditched McAfee. It was too much problem and system overhead ...
and with each update from McAfee, it got worse and worse.

Ken Blake, MVP

daniellegadberry said:
For the last 5 days my computer has been mind-numbingly SLOW! I have
checked everything, all the connections and they seem to be fine. I
have deleted and uninstalled a bunch of programs or files that I
did'nt need, I've done a disk cleanup and a disk defragment. I also
have McAfee security center and I have done countless virus scans.
Still after all my efforts, nothing.

The most common reason for such problems these days is malware infestation.
I recommend that you go to Malke's Malware Removal site at and follow
the instructions there.

Gerry Cornell

Is McAfee malware Ken?



Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute

Ken Blake, MVP

Gerry said:
Is McAfee malware Ken?

LOL! No, I wouldn't call it malware. Although it can impact performance, I
wouldn't expect it to make a computer "mind-numbingly SLOW."

Gerry Cornell


Uninstall myspace and see what difference it makes.

How large is your hard disk and how much free disk space? In
Windows Explorer right click on your C drive and select
Properties. Is the hard disk formatted as fat32 or NTFS?


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute


It worked!
I followed the directions for removing malware (which wasnt easy by the
way), and after, my computer ran just fine and on top of that, it let me
download the Instant Messanger that I have been trying to download for the
last month!
Thank you so much.
Your the best!

Ken Blake, MVP

daniellegadberry said:
It worked!
I followed the directions for removing malware (which wasnt easy by
the way),

Removing Malware can be difficult.

and after, my computer ran just fine

Great, glad to hear it.

and on top of that, it
let me download the Instant Messanger that I have been trying to
download for the last month!
Thank you so much.
Your the best!

You're welcome, but in this case your thanks should really be given to
Malke. It was her site and her instructions I pointed you to.

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