Error Message



Every time I open up any excel file I get an error
message in a pop up box from micorsoft visual basic that
tells me "compile error in hidden module:AutoExecNew" and
a help box and an OK box. The OK box allows the
spreadsheet to open. The help box that a prtected module
can't be displayed because the project is protected. How
do I find out which 'project' has the 'module' and which
module it is that has the error? When I close the
spreadsheet a new box opens that says 'compile error in
hidden module: DistMon '. I have searched for DistMon
and can't find it. Anyone know what is going on?
Oct 2, 2005
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The problem is linked to a corrupt or outdated add-in that’s starting with Microsoft Office. The Microsoft Knowledgebase has one particular reference at, but this assumes you have both Norton AntiVirus installed and an outdated Adobe Acrobat add-in (PDFMaker), which may not be the case.

What you should do is browse to the Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Startup folder (Office10\Startup in Office XP) and see what’s inside it. Move any files you find to another folder and then restart Office – the error messages should vanish.

It’s then a case of identifying the files you found – maybe even putting them back one by one and restarting Office until the error message returns – and then doing a Google search for that filename to find out more about it. You can then take appropriate action: either dump the file altogether or go looking for an updated version that won’t cause problems.


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