Error Message


Philip Middleton

Any aid would be greatly appreciated>>>> Each time I turn
the computer I am faced with this message "The instruction
at "0x68899a56" referenced memory at "0x01880424" The
memory could not be "read". Click on ok to terminate the
program. I am wondering what program is being affected???
Does not seem to compromise performance on WIN XP or other
programs. Thank you.


Any aid would be greatly appreciated>>>> Each time I turn
the computer I am faced with this message "The instruction
at "0x68899a56" referenced memory at "0x01880424" The
memory could not be "read". Click on ok to terminate the
program. I am wondering what program is being affected???
Does not seem to compromise performance on WIN XP or other
programs. Thank you.

You can try to track it down by using the configuration editor. From
RUN type in msconfig.exe and press enter. Click on the startup tab.

From here you can prevent programs from running on startup. You may
be able to find the offender by trial and error and rebooting each

Ronnie Vernon MVP

Philip said:
Any aid would be greatly appreciated>>>> Each time I turn
the computer I am faced with this message "The instruction
at "0x68899a56" referenced memory at "0x01880424" The
memory could not be "read". Click on ok to terminate the
program. I am wondering what program is being affected???
Does not seem to compromise performance on WIN XP or other
programs. Thank you.


Go to Start/Run and type: eventvwr.msc and press OK. In the event
Viewer, click on each of the items in the left
side menu and look for any X error messages that correspond to the last time
this behavior happened. Double click the entry to see the details of the
error. This may give you a clue as to program/hardware is causing the
problem. Click the small icon at the right of this details box that looks
like 2 small text pages. This will copy the error message details and you
can paste this info in a reply to this message for us to take a look.

Another thing to look at is Start/Run, type: msinfo32 and press OK.
Expand the Components item and click on the Problem Devices item. If there
is an entry for a hardware device there, it could be where the problem is
coming from.

Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP-Windows Shell/User

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