Error message



The program shuts down and error message - Layered hidden Window:
Jobboss.exe -Application error The instructions at 0x0f6611d7" referenced
memory at 0xffffff0c. The memory could not be "read". is displayed.
I am being told this is probably a window problem and not the application.


Do you have an application called Jobboss??? If not, it could be either
malware or spyware. A Google search gave no results.


Yes - it seems to happen when I am running the application Jobboss. One other
occasion this has happen while running a different program. This just started
happening last week. The only thing I can think of is that I installed a
verizon wireless device.

Wesley Vogel

C:\Program Files\JobBOSS\jobboss.exe
I am being told this is probably a window problem and not the application.

Who told you that, exactamerica? Probably the program's fault.

At any one given time, a window may be active or inactive; hidden or
visible; and minimized, maximized, or restored. These qualities are referred
to collectively as the window show state.

A window can be either visible or hidden. The system displays a visible
window on the screen. It hides a hidden window by not drawing it. If a
window is visible, the user can supply input to the window and view the
window's output. If a window is hidden, it is effectively disabled. A hidden
window can process messages from the system or from other windows, but it
cannot process input from the user or display output. An application sets a
window's visibility state when creating the window. Later, the application
can change the visibility state.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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