Error Message


Joe Delphi


I am writing an ASP.NET application that connects to a Microsoft
Access database using the OleDB data controls. I keep getting this error

"The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'C:\MyDatabase.mdb'.
It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to
view its data."

The database is on my local machine and does not appear to be
open, so I cannot figure why I am getting this message.

Can anyone tell me the cause of this message and how to avoid it
so that I can execute my web app?


Rajesh CKR

Does the identity under which the ASP.Net web application is run has
required permissions on the db folder / file?

Try giving Network Service user full permissions on the file just to check
the reason.


Joe Delphi

Thank you for responding.

The user under which the ASP.NET web application runs has Administrator
permissions, but I still get the error message. The error message appears
at run-time when I execute my first Fill command in the PageLoad event
handler. Is it possible that the system interprets my design time
connection as another user accessing the same file? Am I supposed to close
my design time connection before attempting to run the program with F5 ?


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