Error Message on Windows Logon Screen/can't log on



Hi there,

I am a PC tech and am working on a project where whenever we log on to
windows XP from the XP logon screen immediately after you click on the user
name a blank error box pops up and all you can click on is the OK button.
Once you click on the OK button it immediately goes back to the logon screen.
So, it's an endless loop. Same thing in safe mode. We have taken the Hard
Drive out and hooked it up to our tech PC and ran a virus scan and there was
nothing infected. We also booted it with a Win XP Home Disc and performed a
chkdsk /r which fixed a few things but not this problem. Does anyone else
have any clues on this problem? Thanks for your time.



Hi Ricky, Thanks for the advice. However after trying this fix I have found
that nothing has changed. I think I know what fix that one is for. I have
seen that where you click on the user name you want to log in to and it acts
like it wants to log in but then immediately logs off. That problem is
similar to this with the exception that right after clicking the user name an
error Box pops up that is blank with the exception of a Red Circled X and and
OK button. You can see the welcome screen behind this message box and when
you click OK it immediately goes away and logs back off. Any more ideas,
ricky? Or anyone else? Thanks.

Gerry Cornell


Can you access as Administrator and create new User Profile?

How to copy data from a corrupted user profile to a new profile;en-us;811151


Hope this helps.


Using invalid email address

Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.



Thanks, Gerry, for the post, and the answer is No, I cannot access the admin
account in safe mode. And what I mean here is when I go into safe mode and
click on administrator, the exact same thing happens: blank error message,
click ok, then it logs off. So, no matter what user account I use, there is
no way to log into windows. Thanks for your time, again, and please let me
know if you have any other clues. Oh, and don't suggest reloading as the
customer doesn't appear to have his disk and license anymore. Thanks again!


Gerry Cornell


Found this Article:
You cannot log on to Windows XP after you remove Wsaupdater.exe;en-us;892893

How to install and use the Recovery Console in Windows XP;en-us;307654

However, your friend will be stumped by not having the Windows XP CD

Could this be a proprietary computer e,g, Dell where they have a restore


Hope this helps.


Using invalid email address

Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.


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