Error message on Boot up



Whenever I cold boot my computer The following message
pops up on the screen:-
"The instruction at 0x00fb2d76 referenced by memory at
0x00000001 the memory could not be written"
it is then followed with "click on ok to cancel program
or click on cancel to debug". However irrespective of
what I click on the computer shuts down and reboots, each
time it reboots the message reappears. It does this each
time for four or five times before it goes away and I am
able to log on.

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

This is generally a hardware issue. It might be that you have a bad ram
stick in which case it would need to be replaced. Another possibility is
that your hard drive is failing.

Start with your ram, there are several ram testers out there, here are two
of the most popular:

If they come up negative, go to the website of your hard drive manufacturer,
download their tools disk, make not of their instructions for creating and
running their tools disk and then run a diagnostic on your hard drive.

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