Error Message 0x8004210A The operation timed out waiting for a res



The operation timed out waiting for a response from the receiving (POP)

Can someone help me with this? I cannot receive emails.


I've just started getting exactly the same problem, and have noticed a few
other posts with the same issue.

When I contacted my ISP, the first thing they suggested was to disable
Norton IS 2005 which I use. The problem disappeared. However, there had been
no problem for months before that. So why now? I am not aware of any changes
or updates that would have caused this.

The suggested article link below does not help since my Office XP is already
updated with SP 3. So there must be something else going on.

Any other suggestions???

Brian Tillman

David E said:
When I contacted my ISP, the first thing they suggested was to disable
Norton IS 2005 which I use. The problem disappeared. However, there
had been no problem for months before that. So why now? I am not
aware of any changes or updates that would have caused this.

Norton could have updated itself. It's designed to do that.

One thing that may work is to simply disable mail scanning in Norton. You
shouldn't need it any way. Another thing that may work is to uninstall it
and reinstall it without the mail scanning feature.


Why do you say email scanning is not needed? Isn't that the point of
anti-virus software?


I have the same problem and I agree... Why is turning off e-mail scanning a
viable option? There has to be a solution that doesn't leave us so

Looking for a solution here as well...



I changed three things when my problem started.

1. Did Window update on my XP Pro SP 2 OS
2. Did Office update on my Office 2003
3. Did Live Update on my Norton Internet Security 2005.

I also generally run as a user vs. an administrator & I may have done one of
these updates in "runas" mode or I may have been logged in as admin & then on
restart went into limited mode...

Most people run with full admin privileges. I suspect that some on this
thread who are experiencing this issue are as well so I would guess that the
privilege setting did not contribute to this error.

Anyway, more info to digest & compare to see if we can come up with a

By the way, does Microsoft monitor these posts? I am kind of new to posting

Brian Tillman

David E said:
Why do you say email scanning is not needed? Isn't that the point of
anti-virus software?

Not at all. The point of antivirus software is to keep your PC from being
infected. As long as you run that AV programs real-time (or on-access)
scanner, which will detected infected files if you try to save them to disk,
you're protected without having to detect it as it arrives in your Inbox. I
daresay 90% of all viral infections can be eliminated even without an
antivirus program just by being judicious in what you open. The first rule
is "Never open an attachment from within the mail program. Save it to disk

Brian Tillman

Art said:
I have the same problem and I agree... Why is turning off e-mail
scanning a viable option? There has to be a solution that doesn't
leave us so vulnerable.

It doesn't leave you vulnerable.

Brian Tillman

Art said:
By the way, does Microsoft monitor these posts? I am kind of new to
posting here.

On occasion, a Microsoft employee posts in these groups and may respond, but
it's not an official support channel. Also, if you use the web interface
(which I can see you're using) and create a suggestion posting, then someone
at Microsoft will see it if people vote positively for it.


Well OK, I see your point. Nonetheless, what you are proposing is still a
"work around" rather than an actual identification of what causes this
problem, and how to resolve it.

It sounds as though either Symantec (or MS) has made a change that in our
cases causes a malfunction.


If you are using Norton's firewall, that appears to be the problem.
I uninstalled NIS2005, and when I re-installed it, the internet was
completely blocked - no connection at all. But when I switched from Norton's
firewall to XP's, everything has worked.

Still not sure what the problem is though.


OK, so I've just found one more thing to try, at least it seem to have fixed
things for me. First, make sure you are using Norton's firewall. Then ...

In MS Outlook, go to Tools/Email Accounts, and select Change for the email
account you are having trouble with.

Click the "More Settings ..." button and then the Advanced tab. Click "Use
defaults" then OK.

Not sure why that fixed things since none of the visible settings changed.
But when I tried the "Test Account Settings", it worked!

Hope this works for you.

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