


can i delete the error.log on c: harddrive, program files,
Microsoft Antispyware, error.log

Bill Sanderson

Sure--probably need to make sure Microsoft Antispyware is not running at the

If this file is growing outrageously, it'd be nice to see a snippet of what
is filling it up.


is this what your seeing on your error.log bill and what
does the error log means

error.log size 18KB and growing

ln 0:Object doesn't support this property or
method::gcasDtServ:modMain:ShutDown::1/13/2005 1:39:10

Out of memory::gcasDtServ:ScheduleScans:Update::1/7/2005
3:19:07 AM:1.0.501

Bill Sanderson

I really don't know much about the errors in the log file. Mine is not very
large--3-4k, and has some of the out-of-memory error in it.

There are some specific errors of UI presentation that were diagnosable via
errors in the log file, I think.

Those bits don't tell me anything, I'm afraid.

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