Error in Excel 97 when running Excel 2000 macro



Tom, I didn't see any "missing libraries, here is the code. It i
basically a routine which calls a large sub routine. The code fails i
the second routine within the Do Until Loop. It fails on the line o

X = Round(Range(Target_Address) - Target, 5)

It highlights the word "Range" and says "Compile error" Sub or Functio
not defined.

See Below............

Sub Run_Breakevens()
Dim t As Integer
Dim r As Variant
Range("BreakEven_Switch") = "Yes"
t = 0
For Each r In Range("Breakeven_Range").Rows()
t = t + 1
Do_Breakeven (t)
Next r
Range("BreakEven_Switch") = "No"
Sheets("FSA Sensitivity Control").Select
End Sub

Sub Do_Breakeven(Count As Variant)

Dim Sens_Address As Variant, Amount As Variant, Solve_Address A
Dim Target_Address As Variant, Target As Variant, Resolution A
Dim OldAmount As Variant, Finish As Boolean, Delta As Variant
Dim X As Variant, Solution As Variant

Sheets("FSA Sensitivity Control").Select

Sens_Address = Range("Breakeven_Range").Cells(Count, 1).Text
Amount = Range("Breakeven_Range").Cells(Count, 2).Value
Solve_Address = Range("Breakeven_Range").Cells(Count, 3).Text
Target_Address = Range("Breakeven_Range").Cells(Count, 4).Address
Target = Range("Breakeven_Range").Cells(Count, 5).Value
Resolution = Range("Breakeven_Range").Cells(Count, 6).Value

OldAmount = Sheets("Input forecast").Range(Sens_Address)
Sheets("Input forecast").Range(Sens_Address) = Amount

OldSolve_Address = Sheets("Input forecast").Range(Solve_Address)

Finish = False
Delta = -1 * Resolution
Do Until Finish = True
X = Round(Range(Target_Address) - Target, 5)
If X = 0 Then Finish = True
If Abs(Delta) < 0.00000000001 And Delta * Resolution > 0 The
Finish = True
If Delta * (Range(Target_Address).Value - Target) > 0 Then Delta
-Delta / 10
Sheets("Input forecast").Range(Solve_Address) = _
Sheets("Input forecast").Range(Solve_Address) + Delta

Solution = Sheets("Input forecast").Range(Solve_Address).Value

Range("Breakeven_Results").Cells(Count, 1) = Solution

Sheets("Input forecast").Range(Sens_Address) = OldAmount
Sheets("Input forecast").Range(Solve_Address) = OldSolve_Address
End Su

Tom Ogilvy

Round was added in VBA 6 which was introduced in xl2000. So Excel 97
doesn't recognize it. You can use the worksheet function version

X = WorksheetFunction.Round(Range(Target_Address) - Target, 5)

This will work in both xl97 and xl2000 although the results might be
slightly different since the worksheet function version uses a slightly
different algorithm than the VBA round.

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