Error Handling




I'm currently designing a new web application in .Net. I've pretty covered everything, apart from error handling.

There seems to be a few different way to do this, but something I've read often is that loading all your code with lots of try / catch blocks is not the best way.

My application is made up of a number of different sub applications. A CRM Package, with financial services, compliance and commisions etc etc.

Each part has it's own web app, business layer components and Data Access Layers Component (ALL Data Access Layer compoents derive from the same Data Access Service Component).

I've implemented error handling by creating a custom error handler object. ONLY the public interface methods of the Business Layer components implement Try / Catch blocks. I can then catch all errors and my custom error handler does whatever I need it to do.

However, I've reached a point in the design where it will be neccessary to create a Facade object, which will be used to make calls to two or more existing business components (including wrapping up these calls in a single transaction - which is working fine by the way). What I'm not sure on, is how should I be handling these errors now that there is an extra component between the web apps and the business layer components.

Should there be extra error handling in the Facade, or should I treat it just like another business layer component?

Any help would be great !



Application sounds cool.

If you have provided a custom error handler just go a head for your entire
application(For your new component also). Unless or until it is an unmanged

I think an error handling in the facade will again increases the burden.


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