Error Handling


David N.

Hi All,

I have the following Net.VBScript:

Set oConnection = CreateObject("adodb.connection")
Set oRecord = CreateObject("adodb.RecordSet")
Set oError = CreateObject("adodb.Error")
On Error Resume Next
Set oRecord = oConnection.Execute("TestProcedure")
Sub DisplayErrorInfo
MsgBox "Before Loop"

For Each oError in oRecord.ActiveConnection.Errors
MsgBox "Description: " & oError.Description

MsgBox "After Loop"

The stored procedure TestProcedure always raises an error at the end (for
testing purpose). I can see that the error is caught by the above VB
script, and the messages "Before Loop" and "After Loop" are displayed.
However, the execution never goes into the for/next loop.

How do I get the error message that is raised by the stored procedure?


Herfried K. Wagner [MVP]

* " David N. said:
I have the following Net.VBScript:

Set oConnection = CreateObject("adodb.connection")
Set oRecord = CreateObject("adodb.RecordSet")
Set oError = CreateObject("adodb.Error")

That's not VB.NET code. I suggest to turn to one of the scripting


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