Error Handler - automatic code generation?



Access 2007 Pro. I always create code for events and was wondering if there
is an add-in or other method to have the skeleton ON ERR GOTO ... and the
other stuff automatically inserted into the SUB when it is generated.


.... rick

Albert D. Kallal

Yes there is...and it has a number of other REALLY great features

For example, when your cursor is on a sub/function name, you can hit
shift-f2 and you "jump" to that routine..(ctrl-shift-f2) will un-wind you
the way back. So, you can "surf" your code very nice this way.

However, for adding error hand code, and also display ALL PLACES that calls
the current routine, then go no farther then the "free" must have set of
tools called mztools.

You find it here:

The above will not only insert error handling for you, but also have options
to insert module, and even sub/function headings...


To add to what has been written here, mztools can give you a lot more than
"skeleton" error handling. For instance, the customizable error message
identifies the function or procedure that threw the error message, as well
as the module containing the function or procedure. If there is an error in
the Current event it can help to know if it is the main form or subform
Current event. Standard error handling can be inserted at the click of a
button. This is just one of the many things you can do with this fine

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