error after using compact/repair



Hi there!

I used compact/repair on my database and now I get an error when I tr
to open it on my other computers over the network. It says somethin
like "Database cannot be found or is opened exclusively or you nee

what gives?

I am using Access 2000

help is appreciated


Wayne Morgan

Let's try the simplest possibility first and hope it works. Make sure that
no one has the file open. Go to the directory where the file is located and
look for an .ldb file with the same name as the data file. If the .ldb file
exists while no one is using the database, delete the .ldb file and try to
open the database. If that doesn't work, then the database file has probably
become corrupted. The following links will work you through some ways to
handle that.


I get the same problem since i have access 2000 on windows

If you make a copy paste on the PC who have the mdb after
you can rename it and after you can copy the database over
the network.

it's not a good solution but its the only one i found !

obviously it's not a problem of lock. if you reboot you
get the same problem. Its a very strange problem

If somebody want to try it create a table insert 1000
record - save the database -open the database - delete 500
records - save the database - open the database - compact
it - save. After it nobody on the network can copy the

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