Error accessing file using combo box


Donna Brooks


I am having trouble with a combo box. Yesterday it was
working great. Today, when I try to select something from
the combo box, it gives me an error saying " Error
accessing file. Network connection may have been lost."
Not true....I am able to access the file..I have not lost
my network connection. It will let me scroll through the
files, I just can't access anything through a combo box.

Thanks in Advance,
Donna Brooks

Sandra Daigle

This is due to a known issue described in the following KB article:

ACC2000:Error Message: Error Accessing File. Network Connection May Have
Been Lost (Q304548)

The corruption in your mdb cannot be repaired. You will need to use a recent
backup of the mdb. You may be able to import uncorrupted objects from the
damaged mdb into a new mdb and then import the corrupted objects from the
recent backup.

To *prevent* further corruption you should obtain the Office2000 Service
Pack. This issue has been resolved with this SP. For more information on
SP3 check out the following KB articles:

ACC2000: Issues Fixed in Access 2000 by Office 2000 Service Pack 3

OFF2000: Overview of Office 2000 Service Pack 3;EN-US;326585

*** Note *** Until you install SP3 you should be sure to compile your
project after you import or copy/paste code into any mdb *before* you close
the mdb. This will also prevent further corruption.

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