Error 3048: Cannot open any more databases



Does anyone know if Access 2003 made any changes that
would reduce or eliminate 'Error 3048: Cannot open any
more databases' form occuring?


Van T. Dinh

I have used Access97, Access2000, Access2002 a lot and I have not had this
problem except for one of my test codes.

FWIW, the test code (creating databases objects without closing them &
setting them to Nothing) seems to confirm that if you create a database
object using CurrentDB(), you need to set the object variable to Nothing to
destroy the database object. I prefer to close it before setting it to
Nothing but others prefer to set the object variable to Nothing without
closing it first.

I think there is a limit of 256 databases (including some used internally by
Access) in a workspace. My test code errored out with error no.3048 after
creating 252 databases in the memory.

If you have had this problem, I suggest going through the code and make sure
whenever you create any object (whether database object or other types of
object) in code, make sure you set it to Nothing after.

Philip Allen


There are no changes in the Jet specs for Access 2003 that will allow more
databases to be open that in 2000/2002.

Kind Regards

Phil Allen

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