Error 0x800ccc0f


Jürgen W.

Ich have

Office: Outlook XP
OS: XP Home (SP2 with all Updates)
Internetconnection: LAN or WLAN over Router
Virusscanner: Bittdefender 8


Each Time when ich received eMail i get an error

Task 'Account name - Sending' reported error (0x800CCC0F) : 'The connection
to the server was interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your
server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'

The 'Account name ' is changing so that the error is never at the same
account. But it is the same aMail-server.

Ich have deinstalled outlook => No success
I have put on an second Profil . In the first Profil there were together 12
eMail-accounts from the same and another Server.
In the second profil i 've got the same error after the fourth account was
At outlook express there are no errors with all accounts. I get the mails
The only Firewall that i have is a router but it is impossibly:
1. the function of outlook is ok
2. Other accounts (from the same server) of outlook are ok, too

I had an Virus scanner, that is now deinstalled => error 0x800ccc0f.

The Knowlegebase said::

there was not really a help.
To switch the SMTP-Port was not sucessful.

The i have installed Outlook 2003 from a friend to see the funktion and it
was sucessful:
i can send & recieve Emails without errors.
now i can't use 2003 while i have no Licence. It was Test.

i hope somebody can help me. Is there a Patch available?

I think the Serverinquiry from Outlook 2002 ist too fast.
it ist the end of my patience.

I can't get Support from M$ while i had buy an OEM CD @ E-bay
i need 2002 und not 2003 because is was cheaply.

sorry for the bad english, normaly i speak German :D


Diane Poremsky [MVP]

outlook limits the number of accounts it checks per mail server - set Send
and Receive settings to stagger the accounts which are on the same sever and
set all accounts to have a delay of at least 8-10 min between checks.

Jürgen W.

Thank for answer.

I find this is not ok. So i must work with send/recieve Groups
I can not use more than 4 email acounts per group. I need more eMails per
Maby i will sell my Office Prof. and i will wait or i use no

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