Equivalent for Eval function



Hello there,

I have a form with nine textboxes named as txt1, txt2, txt3.....txt9.
I would like to populate these boxes with values from database.

how can i do this in Page_load sub?

i mean in client side javascript, u can use eval function like :-
//arrVals is an array with 9 different values

well i acheived wat i wanted eventually by writing/creating a client
side array in a while dr.read() loop in page_load sub. and then
executing above javascript.

but i would like to know if there is a similar approach on serverside
asp.net/vb.net? if no, then why??

thanx in advance!


You could use FindControl to find these controls in the control tree or
browse directly the Controls collection of their parent objet...



As always there are many ways to skin a cat but one approach would be create an enumerator from the page object and loop through the controls using the enumerator assigning values as you go.


vb.net dropped the eval and execute commands

Patrice said:
You could use FindControl to find these controls in the control tree or
browse directly the Controls collection of their parent objet...


gogaz said:
Hello there,

I have a form with nine textboxes named as txt1, txt2, txt3.....txt9.
I would like to populate these boxes with values from database.

how can i do this in Page_load sub?

i mean in client side javascript, u can use eval function like :-
//arrVals is an array with 9 different values

well i acheived wat i wanted eventually by writing/creating a client
side array in a while dr.read() loop in page_load sub. and then
executing above javascript.

but i would like to know if there is a similar approach on serverside
asp.net/vb.net? if no, then why??

thanx in advance!

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