Epson C84 bootup problem


Panos Popadopalous

I have an Epson C84 printer connected to the LPT1 Printer Port.

Using MS Windows XPPro.

Each time I turn on my printer and computer I get an error message during
the bootup process.

Message says something like, (paraphrasing),

"Epson C84 boot error - some or all of LPT1 printer port drivers not

Bootup continues after I click on the "X".

Note that printer and computer are turned on simultaneously from same Power

To get printer working properly I first "delete" printer, then "add

Printer then works perfectly.

Any suggestions how to solve this problem will be appreciated.


I have an Epson C84 printer connected to the LPT1 Printer Port.

Using MS Windows XPPro.

Each time I turn on my printer and computer I get an error message during
the bootup process.

Message says something like, (paraphrasing),

"Epson C84 boot error - some or all of LPT1 printer port drivers not

Bootup continues after I click on the "X".

Note that printer and computer are turned on simultaneously from same Power

To get printer working properly I first "delete" printer, then "add

Printer then works perfectly.

Any suggestions how to solve this problem will be appreciated.

If you could install using a USB connection, all your problems will

Panos Popadopalous

Thanks for suggestion, CarBone. At present time I have no USB connection to
my computer.

May be able to install PC card with USB outlets.

Will advise in future re any success.

Panos Popadopalous

Found that I do not have an empty PCI slot, so I cannot add any USB outlets
to my computer.

That is why I used the LPT1 Parallel Port connection in the first place when
I installed the Epson C84 printer about 3 months ago.

So does anyone know how to get a good bootup with this Parallel Port

Arthur Entlich

I can only suggest that you try loading the most current C84 drivers on
to your system. Do not use the drivers from Windows XP, use Epson's
drivers for XP. This should work.

If you still have a problem, try removing the earlier installed drivers
and try reinstalling.



I have an Epson C84 printer connected to the LPT1 Printer Port.
Using MS Windows XPPro.
Each time I turn on my printer and computer I get an error message during
the bootup process. ....
"Epson C84 boot error - some or all of LPT1 printer port drivers not

Have you tried plugging the printer to a separate plug and powering
it up before you turn the computer on?


Panos Popadopalous

Thanks for suggestion, Arthur.

I have upgraded the Epson driver (from Epson), and now need not remove and
reinstall a driver for printer to work.

Nevertheless I was still getting an error report during bootup.

I printed out Epson's notes for the printer port.

It said."In Device Manager, select "never use an interrupt" in the ECP
Printer Port Properties dialog box.

I did so; the error message no longer appears;printer boots up and all works

The instructions were actually for WIN2000 but work for XPPro.

Live and learn!

Panos Popadopalous

Yes, I did GEO.

It did not make any difference.

For solution, see my note to Arthur Ehrlich.

Thanks for suggestion.

Arthur Entlich

Thank you for the feedback. I'll try to remember this if the problem
comes up again for someone else.


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