Enum or a class


AliR \(VC++ MVP\)

Hi Everyone,

I have writing a class that represents a object on a screen. The object has
normal things like X,Y, Width, Height, ZOrder, and it also has drawing
attributes and flags.

It has properties for setting and getting values from instance variables
that represent the above attributes of the class.
For the flags, which are bit values, I have 3 methods, one for setting, one
for removing and one for testing for the flags.

public abstract class ScreenItem
private uint flags;

public void SetFlags(uint flags)
this.flags |= flags;

public void RemoveFlags(uint flags)
this.flags &= ~flags;

public bool HasFlag(uint flag)
return (this.flags & flag) == flag;

now the question is should the flags be defined as an enum or another class
with const uints? What is the correct way of defining such a thing in C#

public abstract class ScreenItem
public enum FlagType { Selectable = 1, Movable = 2, Sizable = 4,
Editable = 8 };


public abstract class ScreenItem
public class FlagType
public const uint Selectable = 1;
public const uint Movable = 2;
public const uint Sizable = 4;
public const uint Editable = 8;


Larry Smith

See "FlagsAttribute" in MSDN. Here's one way to do it (very quickly written)

public abstract class ScreenItem
public bool Selectable
return GetFlag(Flags.Selectable);
SetFlag(Flags.Selectable, value);

private bool GetFlag(Flags flag)
Debug.Assert(flag != Flags.None);
return ((m_Flags & flag) == flag);

private void SetFlag(Flags flag, bool on)
Debug.Assert(flag != Flags.None);

if (on)
m_Flags |= flag;
m_Flags &= ~flag;

private enum Flags
Selectable = 0x1

private Flags m_Flags;


It should be implemented as an enum. Its location is really
immaterial, since they can technically be global.

I do agree that FlagsAttribute should be used.

I have written a few classes with an Add and Remove method for flags.
It is of course just a nicety for non-bit-sauvy individuals.

You may also consider making the enum private to the base class of
your widgets and simply having properties that turn the bits on and

private enum FlagType { Selectable = 1, ... }

private FlagType flags;

public bool Selectable
get { return HasFlag(FlagType.Selectable); }
if (value)


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