Entering data multiple records

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I have a database in which the user enters authorizations for service.
Frequently one patient will have multiple authorizations in which all the
data to be entered is exactly the same on all the records except for one code
number. After all the data for the first record has been entered, is there a
way to duplicate this data on subsequent records so that all the data doesn't
have to be re-entered --only the code?

I may be reading too much into your description...

It sounds like you want to copy all the patient-specific information to each
"authorization" record. I can guess that this might mean things like first
name, last name, DOB, Primary Physician, etc....

Don't! You'd do it that way if you were using a spreadsheet, but Access is
a relational database. You won't get the easy advantages of Access'
features/functions if you feed it 'sheet data.

Instead, record your patient-specific information once, in a "patient"
record. Then use the ID of that patient record as a foreign key in your
"authorization" table records.

I believe you are describing a one-to-many (patient-to-authorization)
situation. Use your relational database relationally! (or maybe I really
did read too much into your description...<g>)

Good luck


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
There are two primary tables. One holds the patient names and personal info;
the other holds the authorization for service data, identified as an
authorization number. It is a one to many relationship, linked with a unique
patient ID.

The consumer info is auto populated on the authorization record via a list
box. The other information that is needed on the record are the authorization
number, start date, the end date, submit date, approved date, number units of
service, mental health code and the service code.

For many patients, that same authorization number covers multiple services.
A separate record needs to be done for each of those services. All the fields
listed above are the same - the only difference being the service code. If a
patient has say five services, that means keying in the same data for each
service, but changing the service code.

The users are asking if there is a way to duplicate that initial entry
without having to key in the data for the subsequent records - just change
the service code.

I'm not sure I've explained this well...but thanks for your help.
If I understand you correctly, a patient can have one or many
authorizations, and an authorization can have one or many
services. If that is the case, then you may want to add another
table for services. You would enter/add a patient, enter/add an
authorization, then enter as many services as are necessary
for that authorization. You could set up a form with two subforms
or use tabbed forms.

If you are only working directly in the tables (a bad idea!), I can see why
you'd want to see all that "other information" duplicated.

Access offers forms as a way to display data, giving you much more control.

I can imagine (perhaps I still don't grasp the complexity of your situation)
a main form that holds patient info (from the patient table), a combobox (or
listbox) that holds "authorizations" from the PatientAuthorization table,
and a listbox (or perhaps a subform) that holds details of each service.
This approach displays the "patient information" and the "authorization
information" without having to duplicate it. ... or maybe you and I mean
something different by "duplicate".


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP