Entering Data in 1 Worksheet to appear in a specific format in Sheet 2



I have been trying countless ways to get this to work this week and have
not been successful.

Anyone done this before, even if you have not I appreciate your
interest in helping so many of us on this forum.

What I have been trying to do is to build a worksheet where I can enter
one line of data. And then for this data to translate on a second
worksheet in a desired format.

It seems so easy as a concept but I continually run into dead-ends on
my own.

On my Master Sheet I want to be able to enter:
A1) Copy # Ex. "105"
B1) Invoice Line# EX. "110" *Always the same number
C1) Invoice Rep Ex. "ABCTRANS" *Always the same label
D1) Oty Ex. "1"
E1) Unit Price Ex. "200"
F1) Extended Price Ex. "200"
G1) Date Ex. 31-Jan-04

On a second Worksheet I am trying to get the results from this entry to
translate onto two lines to represent a balanced accounting entry.

So the desired result would be the automatic generation of;

A1) 105
A2) 105

B1) 100
B2) 110 *Every order will generate "Invoice line" 100 and 110 from the
original "110" entry

C1) "No Sales Credit" *This is a constant for this line
C2) "ABCTRANS" *This is what is entered on Primary sheet

D1) -1
D2) 1

E1) 200
E2) 200

F1) -200
F2) 200

G1) 31-Jan-04
G2) 31-Jan-04

Anyone encounter something similar? Any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. Even if you are unable to help I would like to express my
appreciation for all of you who lend your knowledge to all of us.

Thank you in advance...Matt

Tom Ogilvy

On the second sheet
a1) =Master!A1
a2) =Master!A1

b1) 100
b2) =Master!B1

C1) No Sales Credit
C2) =Master!C1


E1) =Master!E1
E2) =Master!E1

F1) =-1*Master!F1
F2) =Master!F1

G1) =Master!G1
G2) =Master!G1


Hi Tom, I wanted to thank you in advance. I just read your message an
going to try your suggestion. ASAP.

I can't tell you how appreciative I am of your time and advice.

Thanks again,


I beleive you had a similar post on June 2. Did that post help you?



Hi Charles,

Ya this is a second post of my original problem. Thanks for origina
post. I attempted to make it work but I ran into problems..hence th
above post. I wanted to say an appreciative thanks for your help an
advice. I am going to try the above suggestion as soon as I get a fre
moment here.

Enjoy the weekend,


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