Enter Press on Text box ASP.Net




I wonder if someone could help me.

I have an asp.net form which collects data from a piece of XML and
displays it on screen. If a piece of data is incorrect i will select
the textbox and change the data. If i press enter whilst in the text
box it throws an event.

My question is how do i disable the event or autopostback of the form
when the enter key is pressed whilst in a textbox.

any help greatly appreciated.


Grant Merwitz

you can use JavaScript to do this.
Add this code to you TextBox (Where tbMyTextBox is the name of your textbox)

tbMyTextBox.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "if ((event.which && event.which ==
13) || (event.keyCode && event.keyCode == 13))
{document.Form1.elements['tbMyTextBox].click();return false;} else return
true; ");


Grant Merwitz

and Form1 was your forms name

Grant Merwitz said:
you can use JavaScript to do this.
Add this code to you TextBox (Where tbMyTextBox is the name of your

tbMyTextBox.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "if ((event.which && event.which
== 13) || (event.keyCode && event.keyCode == 13))
{document.Form1.elements['tbMyTextBox].click();return false;} else return
true; ");


csgraham74 said:

I wonder if someone could help me.

I have an asp.net form which collects data from a piece of XML and
displays it on screen. If a piece of data is incorrect i will select
the textbox and change the data. If i press enter whilst in the text
box it throws an event.

My question is how do i disable the event or autopostback of the form
when the enter key is pressed whilst in a textbox.

any help greatly appreciated.


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