enter network password popup box reapearing



Did you find a resolution to this problem? After several hours mine stops
poping up but then it starts again in a day or two. How can you stop it
Philip of Irvine



I have the same issue. Found several articles on the internet, MS KB and in
this forum. Most of them point to the Protected storage system and to fix
that registry key (http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=290684), but none of
them work for me though.

Also my Windows Live Messenger does not remember the username and password

My configuration
- Outlook 2003 with all SP's and security updates, using 4 pop3 accounts
- WinXP SP2 with all and security updates
- Internet Explorer 7
- McAfee security centre


I started getting this problem when I set up a second account on the same
server. I sent an email to quite a large distribution list and since then I
have received the message continually all day regardless of the amount of
times I press OK. I double checked the accounts and can confirm that the
password is set in the Account details.

Having read the replies to this thread I deleted the second account but I
still continue to get the messages at 1 second intervals and any emails I try
to send on my original account are sitting in the outbox.

I then went through to the knowledge base and followed the instructions to
change the registry still without any success.

Does anyone have any other suggestions? I'm getting very, very frustrated.


Which registry keys did you update? There are 2 different once depending on
the version from Outlook.
1) Protected storage system (as explained on the microsoft KB)
2) The User Shell folders (as explained in my post of 04/28/2007 in this


I updated the Protected Storage System. Linda

JeePee said:
Which registry keys did you update? There are 2 different once depending on
the version from Outlook.
1) Protected storage system (as explained on the microsoft KB)
2) The User Shell folders (as explained in my post of 04/28/2007 in this


That did not work for me either, so have a look at my post of 04/28/2007 in
this thread about the User Shell folders....


Thanks but although I can see your post of 04/28/2007 I don't seem to be able
to see any details about User Shell folders. Could you cut and paste it here
for me? Thanks


Hi JeePee, I removed the account and set it up from scratch (again) and it
worked this time. Thanks for your help.


Urm, I am being stuppid. That post I was referring to is another one. Anyway,
I dont know if you created another email account or another windows account.
If windows account, then you probably lost all your favorites and

Anyway, here is the post that I wanted to refer you to...

I also had this issue in Outlook 2003, but also in indows Live Messenger and
Internet Explorer 7.

I spend hours and hours searching the internet and could not find the
solution. The only possible solution you find on almost all forums (but does
not help in most cases is to repair the protected storage system provided
registry key: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290684.

So, here is a solution that is not even in the Microsoft knowledge base. It
helped me and hopefully many others. It was found because I new exactly when
it started to happen: after uninstalling a software program. The uninstall
procedure removed to many registry keys...


Important: this solution contains information about how to modify the
registry. Make sure to back up the registry before you modify it. Make sure
that you know how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. View the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base for information about how
to back up, restore, and modify the registry:

Follow the next steps to solve this issue:

1. Close all running programs
2. Click on [Start] » Run
3. Type "Regedit" and click [OK]
4. Open the following folder:
Shell Folders
5. Now choose Edit » New » Expandable String Value
6. Enter "AppData" as a name
7. Double click the new entry
8. Enter "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data" in the value data field.
9. Close the registry editor

It is possible that additional registry keys are missing. Below is a list of
all keys that should exist in the "User Shell Folders". There are different
ways to add these keys again:
* Use the instructions provided on
* Add them manually by following the steps above
* Export the keys from a computer/user on which the issue does not occur,
and then importing them again.

To export and import:
1. Logon to Windows with a user account for which the issue does not occur
(this may also be a different workstation).
2. Click on [Start] » Run
3. Type "Regedit" and click [OK]
4. Open the following folder:
Shell Folders
5. Right click the "User Shell Folders" key on the left and choose "Export".
Specify a name and location of for the export file and click [Save].
6. Close the registry editor
7. Logon to Windows with the user account that experiences this issue
8. Double click on the exported registry key you created in step 5.
9. Click [Yes] when asked if you are sure to add the information, then click
[OK] for the "successfully imported" message.

Registry keys that should exist in the "User Shell Folders" key.
The list below has the format "Key Name - Value Data". The type for all keys
is "Expandable String Value" (REG_EXPAND_SZ).

* AppData - %USERPROFILE%\Application Data
* Cache - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
* Cookies - %USERPROFILE%\Cookies
* Desktop - %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
* Favorites - %USERPROFILE%\Favorites
* History - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\History
* Local AppData - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data
* Local Settings - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings
* My Pictures - %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Pictures
* NetHood - %USERPROFILE%\NetHood
* Personal - %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\
* PrintHood - %USERPROFILE%\PrintHood
* Programs - %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs
* SendTo - %USERPROFILE%\SendTo
* Start Menu - %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu
* Startup - %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
* Templates - %USERPROFILE%\Templates

The "User Shell Folder" is a subkey of the
registry. Entries in this subkey can also appear in the "Shell Folders"
subkey and in both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER. The entries that
appear in user User Shell Folders take precedence over those in Shell
Folders. The entries that appear in HKEY_CURRENT_USER take precedence over


Thanks a million JeePee...... It Works

JeePee said:
Urm, I am being stuppid. That post I was referring to is another one. Anyway,
I dont know if you created another email account or another windows account.
If windows account, then you probably lost all your favorites and

Anyway, here is the post that I wanted to refer you to...

I also had this issue in Outlook 2003, but also in indows Live Messenger and
Internet Explorer 7.

I spend hours and hours searching the internet and could not find the
solution. The only possible solution you find on almost all forums (but does
not help in most cases is to repair the protected storage system provided
registry key: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290684.

So, here is a solution that is not even in the Microsoft knowledge base. It
helped me and hopefully many others. It was found because I new exactly when
it started to happen: after uninstalling a software program. The uninstall
procedure removed to many registry keys...


Important: this solution contains information about how to modify the
registry. Make sure to back up the registry before you modify it. Make sure
that you know how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. View the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base for information about how
to back up, restore, and modify the registry:

Follow the next steps to solve this issue:

1. Close all running programs
2. Click on [Start] » Run
3. Type "Regedit" and click [OK]
4. Open the following folder:
Shell Folders
5. Now choose Edit » New » Expandable String Value
6. Enter "AppData" as a name
7. Double click the new entry
8. Enter "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data" in the value data field.
9. Close the registry editor

It is possible that additional registry keys are missing. Below is a list of
all keys that should exist in the "User Shell Folders". There are different
ways to add these keys again:
* Use the instructions provided on
* Add them manually by following the steps above
* Export the keys from a computer/user on which the issue does not occur,
and then importing them again.

To export and import:
1. Logon to Windows with a user account for which the issue does not occur
(this may also be a different workstation).
2. Click on [Start] » Run
3. Type "Regedit" and click [OK]
4. Open the following folder:
Shell Folders
5. Right click the "User Shell Folders" key on the left and choose "Export".
Specify a name and location of for the export file and click [Save].
6. Close the registry editor
7. Logon to Windows with the user account that experiences this issue
8. Double click on the exported registry key you created in step 5.
9. Click [Yes] when asked if you are sure to add the information, then click
[OK] for the "successfully imported" message.

Registry keys that should exist in the "User Shell Folders" key.
The list below has the format "Key Name - Value Data". The type for all keys
is "Expandable String Value" (REG_EXPAND_SZ).

* AppData - %USERPROFILE%\Application Data
* Cache - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
* Cookies - %USERPROFILE%\Cookies
* Desktop - %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
* Favorites - %USERPROFILE%\Favorites
* History - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\History
* Local AppData - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data
* Local Settings - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings
* My Pictures - %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Pictures
* NetHood - %USERPROFILE%\NetHood
* Personal - %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\
* PrintHood - %USERPROFILE%\PrintHood
* Programs - %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs
* SendTo - %USERPROFILE%\SendTo
* Start Menu - %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu
* Startup - %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
* Templates - %USERPROFILE%\Templates

The "User Shell Folder" is a subkey of the
registry. Entries in this subkey can also appear in the "Shell Folders"
subkey and in both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER. The entries that
appear in user User Shell Folders take precedence over those in Shell
Folders. The entries that appear in HKEY_CURRENT_USER take precedence over


The only thing I didn't realize was that after I go through all that setting
up a new profile I have to close Outlook & then reopen it & I don't remember
if that was in the instructions or not. Also I never saw a box with a warning
about "the location of messages being changed..." I am using MS Office Small
Business Edition 2003 on Windows XP Pro. I just got this laptop & its acting
wonky as Windows PCs are wont to do. But thanx a million for the assist. I
think the files became corrupt of something. It was doing other wierd things
as well, such as not letting me change my font in Outlook & automatically
adding recurrences to appts. OK I'm rambling. Thanx again!


JeePee - I am ready to pull my hair out. I have tried everything I can find.
I thought my solution was solved when I saw this message from you, however
my Registry files match the list you provided (except I have an extra one
called Recent). Do you have any other suggestions?? I am desperate as I can
no longer use Outlook for sending emails.

JeePee said:
Urm, I am being stuppid. That post I was referring to is another one. Anyway,
I dont know if you created another email account or another windows account.
If windows account, then you probably lost all your favorites and

Anyway, here is the post that I wanted to refer you to...

I also had this issue in Outlook 2003, but also in indows Live Messenger and
Internet Explorer 7.

I spend hours and hours searching the internet and could not find the
solution. The only possible solution you find on almost all forums (but does
not help in most cases is to repair the protected storage system provided
registry key: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290684.

So, here is a solution that is not even in the Microsoft knowledge base. It
helped me and hopefully many others. It was found because I new exactly when
it started to happen: after uninstalling a software program. The uninstall
procedure removed to many registry keys...


Important: this solution contains information about how to modify the
registry. Make sure to back up the registry before you modify it. Make sure
that you know how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. View the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base for information about how
to back up, restore, and modify the registry:

Follow the next steps to solve this issue:

1. Close all running programs
2. Click on [Start] » Run
3. Type "Regedit" and click [OK]
4. Open the following folder:
Shell Folders
5. Now choose Edit » New » Expandable String Value
6. Enter "AppData" as a name
7. Double click the new entry
8. Enter "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data" in the value data field.
9. Close the registry editor

It is possible that additional registry keys are missing. Below is a list of
all keys that should exist in the "User Shell Folders". There are different
ways to add these keys again:
* Use the instructions provided on
* Add them manually by following the steps above
* Export the keys from a computer/user on which the issue does not occur,
and then importing them again.

To export and import:
1. Logon to Windows with a user account for which the issue does not occur
(this may also be a different workstation).
2. Click on [Start] » Run
3. Type "Regedit" and click [OK]
4. Open the following folder:
Shell Folders
5. Right click the "User Shell Folders" key on the left and choose "Export".
Specify a name and location of for the export file and click [Save].
6. Close the registry editor
7. Logon to Windows with the user account that experiences this issue
8. Double click on the exported registry key you created in step 5.
9. Click [Yes] when asked if you are sure to add the information, then click
[OK] for the "successfully imported" message.

Registry keys that should exist in the "User Shell Folders" key.
The list below has the format "Key Name - Value Data". The type for all keys
is "Expandable String Value" (REG_EXPAND_SZ).

* AppData - %USERPROFILE%\Application Data
* Cache - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
* Cookies - %USERPROFILE%\Cookies
* Desktop - %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
* Favorites - %USERPROFILE%\Favorites
* History - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\History
* Local AppData - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data
* Local Settings - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings
* My Pictures - %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Pictures
* NetHood - %USERPROFILE%\NetHood
* Personal - %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\
* PrintHood - %USERPROFILE%\PrintHood
* Programs - %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs
* SendTo - %USERPROFILE%\SendTo
* Start Menu - %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu
* Startup - %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
* Templates - %USERPROFILE%\Templates

The "User Shell Folder" is a subkey of the
registry. Entries in this subkey can also appear in the "Shell Folders"
subkey and in both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER. The entries that
appear in user User Shell Folders take precedence over those in Shell
Folders. The entries that appear in HKEY_CURRENT_USER take precedence over


I have had multiple computer issues thanks to a lovely trojan horse that
took over my computer last night. Did all the usual stuff to fix everything
(and reloaded the AVG software that had mysteriously disappeared from my
laptop - I belatedly realized that it had probably been gone for a couple of
weeks) and the only problem left was the dreaded "Network Password Popup" box
that kept reappearing because Outlook would not save the passwords. I tried
so many things and was discouraged by the many desperate messages.
Fortunately, I found this post, followed the instructions, and ALL IS GOOD!

Angel said:
JeePee - I am ready to pull my hair out. I have tried everything I can find.
I thought my solution was solved when I saw this message from you, however
my Registry files match the list you provided (except I have an extra one
called Recent). Do you have any other suggestions?? I am desperate as I can
no longer use Outlook for sending emails.

JeePee said:
Urm, I am being stuppid. That post I was referring to is another one. Anyway,
I dont know if you created another email account or another windows account.
If windows account, then you probably lost all your favorites and

Anyway, here is the post that I wanted to refer you to...

I also had this issue in Outlook 2003, but also in indows Live Messenger and
Internet Explorer 7.

I spend hours and hours searching the internet and could not find the
solution. The only possible solution you find on almost all forums (but does
not help in most cases is to repair the protected storage system provided
registry key: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290684.

So, here is a solution that is not even in the Microsoft knowledge base. It
helped me and hopefully many others. It was found because I new exactly when
it started to happen: after uninstalling a software program. The uninstall
procedure removed to many registry keys...


Important: this solution contains information about how to modify the
registry. Make sure to back up the registry before you modify it. Make sure
that you know how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. View the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base for information about how
to back up, restore, and modify the registry:

Follow the next steps to solve this issue:

1. Close all running programs
2. Click on [Start] » Run
3. Type "Regedit" and click [OK]
4. Open the following folder:
Shell Folders
5. Now choose Edit » New » Expandable String Value
6. Enter "AppData" as a name
7. Double click the new entry
8. Enter "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data" in the value data field.
9. Close the registry editor

It is possible that additional registry keys are missing. Below is a list of
all keys that should exist in the "User Shell Folders". There are different
ways to add these keys again:
* Use the instructions provided on
* Add them manually by following the steps above
* Export the keys from a computer/user on which the issue does not occur,
and then importing them again.

To export and import:
1. Logon to Windows with a user account for which the issue does not occur
(this may also be a different workstation).
2. Click on [Start] » Run
3. Type "Regedit" and click [OK]
4. Open the following folder:
Shell Folders
5. Right click the "User Shell Folders" key on the left and choose "Export".
Specify a name and location of for the export file and click [Save].
6. Close the registry editor
7. Logon to Windows with the user account that experiences this issue
8. Double click on the exported registry key you created in step 5.
9. Click [Yes] when asked if you are sure to add the information, then click
[OK] for the "successfully imported" message.

Registry keys that should exist in the "User Shell Folders" key.
The list below has the format "Key Name - Value Data". The type for all keys
is "Expandable String Value" (REG_EXPAND_SZ).

* AppData - %USERPROFILE%\Application Data
* Cache - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
* Cookies - %USERPROFILE%\Cookies
* Desktop - %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
* Favorites - %USERPROFILE%\Favorites
* History - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\History
* Local AppData - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data
* Local Settings - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings
* My Pictures - %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Pictures
* NetHood - %USERPROFILE%\NetHood
* Personal - %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\
* PrintHood - %USERPROFILE%\PrintHood
* Programs - %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs
* SendTo - %USERPROFILE%\SendTo
* Start Menu - %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu
* Startup - %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
* Templates - %USERPROFILE%\Templates

The "User Shell Folder" is a subkey of the
registry. Entries in this subkey can also appear in the "Shell Folders"
subkey and in both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER. The entries that
appear in user User Shell Folders take precedence over those in Shell
Folders. The entries that appear in HKEY_CURRENT_USER take precedence over

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