Enter a credit card number



As you know excel doesn't allows you to enter a number
greater than 15 digits. I need to know how can I enter a
20 digit number. Well I know I can use the format TEXt to
let me enter the number. The problem is that I already
have the numbers typed I tried using this format 0000-0000-
0000-0000-0000. It doesn't work because it returns me the
las 6 numbers into 0. so I need to know how to change the
format. It's stupid to re-type 2000 of these numebers so
please help me out!!!


J.E. McGimpsey

Changing the format doesn't change the underlying value. If the
number was truncated when you entered it, the additional digits are
gone forever. The only solution is to enter the numbers as Text

Preformat the cell as Text or use an apostrophe (') as a prefix:


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