English and Spanish Report Version


Phil Smith

Two reports.

You can make each one a subreport and put both on a single master so
that pulling up the master report calls both versions, but at the end of
the day, your English report will be a seperate beastie from the Spanish.

I don't think there is any other practical way to pull it off.

John Spencer

It depends. Do you only need to change the labels and static text on
the report or do you also need to change the data that is being displayed.

If you are just changing the captions of labels then you can have the
English text in the label's caption and store the Spanish text in the
label's tag property.

Then you can have a routine that you call when you load the report to
change all the label's captions to the Label's tag when you tell the
report to print in Spanish.

Another alternative is to stack two labels (one Spanish, one English)
and Set the visible property of the labels based on the language
desired. You can prefix all label names with S_ or E_ to determine
which to show and which to hide or use the tag property and set the tags
to English or Spanish.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County


The date is what we are having a problem with. Am I able to format the field
to appear in Spanish?

John Spencer (MVP)

Not that I know of. The month names appear as they do to agree with your
operating system settings. You could probably write a VBA function to
translate the month names for you. A really simple one might look like this

Public Function fSpanishDates(DateIn)

If isDate(DateIN) = False then
fSpanishDates = Null ' Or whatever you want to pass back
DateIn = CDate(DateIN)
Select Case Month(DateIN)
Case 1 'January
fSpanishDate = Replace(Format(DateIn,"mmmm d, yyyy"),"January","enero")
Case 2 'february
fSpanishDate = Replace(Format(DateIn,"mmmm d, yyyy"),"February","febrero")
Case 12
end select
End if

End Function

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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