Enforcing (forcing) Resource Strings



Is there a way in C# to have the compiler enforce that users use
Resource Strings?

Say I have a logging subsystem, and I want make sure that the only
string values that get logged come from a resource file, can I do

I know I can use:

static void LogWarning(string val)
string toLog = ResourceManager.GetString(val);

But that is problematic: At compile time, I have no idea if val

I can also use:

static void LogWarning(string msg)


But nothing stops users of this log system from passing in a hardcoded
string into my LogWarning method.

Ideally I want something that is strongly typed, but can't be
overloaded with a string.

Any ideas?

Jesse Houwing

* Alan wrote, On 28-6-2007 21:56:
Is there a way in C# to have the compiler enforce that users use
Resource Strings?

Say I have a logging subsystem, and I want make sure that the only
string values that get logged come from a resource file, can I do

I know I can use:

static void LogWarning(string val)
string toLog = ResourceManager.GetString(val);

But that is problematic: At compile time, I have no idea if val

I can also use:

static void LogWarning(string msg)


But nothing stops users of this log system from passing in a hardcoded
string into my LogWarning method.

Ideally I want something that is strongly typed, but can't be
overloaded with a string.

Any ideas?

There is an FxCop rule to enforce this, if you're using Visual Studio
Team System Developer or Suite you can enforce these rules before check-ins.

There is no way however to make every string parameter unsuitable for a
strings. You can make a resource file type safe in .NET 2.0. If you open
a resource file and look in the information/message tab there should be
a link there to generate a typed class for that specific resource file.

If you're still using .NET 1.1 you can use the String Resource Tool. But
I don't know where it moved to with the close down of Got Dot Net.
Here's a post about it:


I hope this helps,


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