End of text box control character



Is there a control character of some sort at the end of the Notes Page body

I'm trying to write a macro to remove extraneous paragraph returns (vbCrLf
characters) and I can cycle through a text range and delete all but the last
one. I checked the number of paragraphs in the text range (using count), and
discovered that the total number of paragraphs is one less than it looks
like. So the last empty line in my text box body placeholder) seems to be a
non-printing character other than a paragraph return. but I don't know what
it is. (I tried deleting it manually and then pressing Enter, to ensure that
it is a paragraph return, but got the same result.)

Any ideas?


Oops. I understand now. The last instance is a single vbCrLf, not a double.
That's why my macro doesn't delete it, I added a loop that goes through all
characters in the text range from end to start, deleting until the last
character in the text range is not a vbCrLf. That did it.

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