Enabling Daylight Saving time



We have 250 WinXP Pro desktops in a Win2k domain that all need daylight
saving time enabled. What is the easiest way to do this? Is ther a policy
we can apply to domain, or maybe a reg key entered into a script?


Evan Miller said:
We have 250 WinXP Pro desktops in a Win2k domain that all need daylight
saving time enabled. What is the easiest way to do this? Is ther a policy
we can apply to domain, or maybe a reg key entered into a script?
When you set up a computer, you need to specify the time zone and whether to
enable dayligh savings or not.
There may be a way to accomplish this with some script or another, but with
only one computer, I have not need to investigate.
These actions are taken by clicking on the clock in the task bar. Once so
set, there is no need for further attention.

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