Enabled Property



I have 3 checkboxes. The idea is that when one is checked it enables 2 other
text boxes. Here is the code:

Private Sub chkCourse_AfterUpdate()

If chkCourse = True Then
CheckBoxTrue 1
Me!Where.Enabled = True
Me!When.Enabled = True
Me!Where.Enabled = False
CheckboxFalse 1
DeleteRecordset "TypeOfParticipantInfo"
End If

End Sub

The problem is I am getting this error message "Run-Time error 438" Object
doesn't support this property or method. Is that the Enabled property is not
supported by check boxes?

Thanks for your help

Me!When.Enabled = False


Enabled is a supported property for checkboxes. What B was referring to is
the line: CheckBoxTrue 1. Is this a user-defined function? What line is
highlighted when the error is displayed?


Me.Where.Enabled = True


xRoachx said:
Enabled is a supported property for checkboxes. What B was referring to is
the line: CheckBoxTrue 1. Is this a user-defined function? What line is
highlighted when the error is displayed?


It is either going to be the line above it, or that you are using the name
WHERE. Try chaning the name of the checkbox to chkWhere and give it another
try. If it's not this, than it is the line above it.


The idea is that once the relevant checkboxes are checked that Access
would enable two text fields called WHERE and WHEN. The Enabled field in
their individual properties window is set to know. I am no longer getting an
error message, but when I check the boxes these fields are not "enabling."

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