Enabled property ->" Object does not support..."

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Parent form with a subform. One checkbox on parent form, one checkbox on the

In the Parent form's Current event procedure, I'd like to set the Enabled
property of the subform checkbox relative to the value of the parent form

If the parent form checkbox is True (checked), then disable the subform's
checkbox. If parent form check box is False (unchecked), then enable the
subform's checkbox.

I get a runtime error message "Object does not support this property or
method" from the following parent form code:

Private Sub Form_Current() ' parent form's Current event procedure
Me.SubForm1.Form.TaxExempt.Enabled = Not (Me.TaxExemptClient)
End sub
If the object doesn't support the property, it's the wrong type of object.

Firstly check that the name of the subform *control* is Subform1. The
subform control may have a name that's different from the form loaded into
it (its SourceObject.)

Secondly check the name of the check box. If you have a field named
TaxExempt, bound to a check box named (say) chkTaxExempt, then TaxExempt
(the field) won't have an Enabled property, whereas chkTaxExempt (the check
box) does.

If you still can't determine what Access means, ask it.
Press Ctrl+G to open the Immediate Window.
? TypeName(Forms![MyMain]!SubForm1.Form.TaxExempt)
Hi Allen -

Thanks for taking this one. The problem was indeed related to an
interaction between the checkbox name and the field name. They were both

I incorrectly assumed that the qualifier on TaxExempt would be explicit
enough for Access to understand that I was specifying the checkbox on the
subform and not the AccessField. Wrong again, Jay.

Does this mean that it is essential to name your controls differently from
the fields to which they are bound ?

Thanks again,

Allen Browne said:
If the object doesn't support the property, it's the wrong type of object.

Firstly check that the name of the subform *control* is Subform1. The
subform control may have a name that's different from the form loaded into
it (its SourceObject.)

Secondly check the name of the check box. If you have a field named
TaxExempt, bound to a check box named (say) chkTaxExempt, then TaxExempt
(the field) won't have an Enabled property, whereas chkTaxExempt (the check
box) does.

If you still can't determine what Access means, ask it.
Press Ctrl+G to open the Immediate Window.
? TypeName(Forms![MyMain]!SubForm1.Form.TaxExempt)
No: it's not essential to name them differently (though some people prefer

If the control has the same name as the field, the control reference takes
precedence, so the code should have worked. If it did not work, then Access
is confused about what things are called. The most likely source of that
confusion is Name AutoCorrect. More info about the dangers of this
misfeature in:
Failures caused by Name Auto-Correct

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Jay said:
Hi Allen -

Thanks for taking this one. The problem was indeed related to an
interaction between the checkbox name and the field name. They were both

I incorrectly assumed that the qualifier on TaxExempt would be explicit
enough for Access to understand that I was specifying the checkbox on the
subform and not the AccessField. Wrong again, Jay.

Does this mean that it is essential to name your controls differently from
the fields to which they are bound ?

Thanks again,

Allen Browne said:
If the object doesn't support the property, it's the wrong type of

Firstly check that the name of the subform *control* is Subform1. The
subform control may have a name that's different from the form loaded
it (its SourceObject.)

Secondly check the name of the check box. If you have a field named
TaxExempt, bound to a check box named (say) chkTaxExempt, then TaxExempt
(the field) won't have an Enabled property, whereas chkTaxExempt (the
box) does.

If you still can't determine what Access means, ask it.
Press Ctrl+G to open the Immediate Window.
? TypeName(Forms![MyMain]!SubForm1.Form.TaxExempt)

Jay said:
Parent form with a subform. One checkbox on parent form, one checkbox

In the Parent form's Current event procedure, I'd like to set the
property of the subform checkbox relative to the value of the parent

If the parent form checkbox is True (checked), then disable the
checkbox. If parent form check box is False (unchecked), then enable
subform's checkbox.

I get a runtime error message "Object does not support this property or
method" from the following parent form code:

Private Sub Form_Current() ' parent form's Current event procedure
Me.SubForm1.Form.TaxExempt.Enabled = Not (Me.TaxExemptClient)
End sub