Enable Rundll32



Before the problem started, IE stopped responding, so I end task and then re-started. No error message

Windows XP Build 2600 - during startup I get the following message

An exception occured while trying to run c:\windows\system32\EnableRundll3

Then, I can not open Internet Explorer, Windows Explorer or Control Panel. Netscape and other software still seem to work fine. When I boot in Safe Mode, everything works as usual.

I've done a complete Mcaffe virus scan and Windows restore to about 4 days ago... to no avail

HELP! Please...



According to this thread:

"an app library is called directly with rundll, and it was not found.
It looks like something was erased in the system, but the registry was
not cleaned."

I would suggest uninstalling and reinstalling IE:

318378 - How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook


Copy and paste the following line to the Start > Run prompt, it will
try to reinstall IE and the routine will need the XP CD.

rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %systemroot%\inf\ie.inf

Alternatively, the routine will ask for diverse files, go to a command
prompt (Start > Run > cmd) and type
dir name_of_file_needed /s (Example dir iesinfo5.ins /s)
This will tell you the location of the file, browse to that path and
click retry.
You will have to do this for 5 or 6 files, which can be bothersome.
But it can also be reinstalled without the CD.

Hope this helps

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