enable macros




I have the following behind a form button:

Set obj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
obj.Application.Visible = True
obj.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
obj.Workbooks.Open "S:\Risk Management\Operations - MIS\Month-end
Reports\Average Daily Delinquency\average_dq.xls"

When I open the spreadsheet manually, it asks me whether or not I want to
"enable macros". So I choose "enable macros".

However, when I open the spreadsheet using the above button, I am not
prompted as such, so I get a ton of #NAME? for each cell.

How can I simulate clicking "enable macros" using the form button, without
turning the warnings on before I open the spreadsheet?

Thanks in advance,


The short answer is "you can't". SetWarnings turns on/off all warnings.
The longer answer is that you can get a digital signature and apply it to
the workbook. This is a fairly lengthy process involving Verisign or another
similar company. In my company, we are pursuing setting up our own server to
perform this function, but this is over my head.


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