Empty file on desktop can not be deleted



I have a mysterious empty (0 kb) file on my desktop. It is named
"WinRAR 3[1].51." and I have no clue how it got there. I went to delete
it, but I get the infamous "Cannot delete file: Cannot read from the
source file or disk." error each time.

I've tried file shredders... no luck. I've restarted in safe mode and
logged in as the Administrator... no luck. The file cannot be moved to
a different location so it will not bother me.

I keep a very clean desktop, and it is extremely annoying to see it
there all the time. Does anyone have any ideas?

Bob Horvath

On 12 Dec 2005 17:29:45 -0800, Bob Horvath wrote:

I had a similar problem, and the following is what worked for me. BTW,
credit goes to the supplier of this info.

Delete - Can't Delete Files or Folders

Checkpoints/workarounds: Test the Delete after each suggestion.

Submitted by: Una: 9/2005

1) Log into Windows as another user.

2) Open Windows Explorer and navigate to: \Documents and
Settings\UserName <--user name with the bad files.

3) Go to Tools | Folder Options and click the View tab. Make sure all
settings that hide files are turned off. You want to make sure all
files are visible before the next step.

4) Move all the files in the Desktop folder to another location (well
all except the problem files...if those could be moved you wouldn't be
in this predicament!).

5) Open a command prompt and navigate to the above location.

6) Enter this command which deletes the Desktop folder and its
contents: "RD /S Desktop".

7) Create a new Desktop folder.

8) Move everything back.

9) Log off, then log in again as the original user.

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