Empty custom toolbar




I created an excel template file haveing some macro
functions. Then created a custom toolbar and assign
macroes to the buttons.
Now when I copy the template to any other machine and open
the template , the empty toolbar is displyed. the macro
code still exist but buttons are not displayed.


Patrick Molloy

I suggest that the file creates its own tool bar usibng
the auto_open or workbook_open event, and removes th ebar
with the close events. that way the app controls the bar.

here's some example code that I sent in an earlier mail.
place in a standard modle. call the AddMenu proc from the
open event and call the killmenu proc from the colse

Sub AddMenu()

Dim ctrlMain As CommandBarPopup
Dim ctrlItem As CommandBarControl
Dim ctrlSubItem As CommandBarButton


Set ctrlMain = CommandBars("Worksheet Menu
Bar").Controls.Add _
(Type:=msoControlPopup, _

With ctrlMain
.Caption = "&Analysis"

Set ctrlItem = .Controls.Add
With ctrlItem
.Caption = "&Initialse Test"
.OnAction = "subInitialise"
End With
Set ctrlItem = .Controls.Add
With ctrlItem

.Caption = "&Explore Test"
.BeginGroup = True

Set ctrlSubItem = .Controls.Add
With ctrlSubItem
.Caption = "Type &1"
.OnAction = "sub1"
End With
Set ctrlSubItem = .Controls.Add
With ctrlSubItem
.Caption = "Type &2"
.OnAction = "Sub2"
End With
End With
Set ctrlItem = .Controls.Add
With ctrlItem
.Caption = "&Plan Test"
.BeginGroup = True
.OnAction = "sub3"
End With
End With

End Sub
Sub KillMenu()
Dim cmdbar As CommandBar
On Error Resume Next
Set cmdbar = CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar")
On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

Patrick Molloy
Microsoft Excel MVP

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