Empty cells


Harry Limey

I have a column of cells, some which have data (an amount of cash such as
£2.50) and some which have the symbol #NA because no data has yet been

What I would like to do is add up the column showing the total cash so far
accrued! but I cannot get the autosum function to work whilst some of the
cells are still showing the #NA!!

Is there a way round this please, should I be using something other than

Bernard Liengme

Try =SUMIF(A1:A6,">0")
If you have both positive and negative numbers use:

BY the way SUM is called the SUM function; 'autosum' is the tool one can use
to enter the SUM (or other functions like AVERAGE) into a cell.
best wishes

Earl Kiosterud


This might work for you:


It's an array formula -- commit with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not just Enter.

Earl Kiosterud

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Harry Limey

Bernard's solution worked just fine for me so I did not try any others,
thanks for the help!

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