Embed Folder Treeview Or Windows Explorer On UserForm




I'd like to create a UI where my users can graphically navigate through
folder lists and select files. I don't want to programmatically invoke the
Windows Explorer unless there's a way to embed it on a Userform (I don't want
it in a seperate window).

I looked at the TreeView control, and it looks like it will satisfy at least
the folder browsing part, but I seem to recall that there's a control
somewhere that's already set up to display folders in a similar fashion. I
can't for the life of me remember what it is, though.

And advice/pointers would be appreciated. I don't want to reinvent the wheel
using a TreeView if there's another option. Thanks.


the GetOpenFileName Method is, I think, what you are thinking of. Here is a
function I wrote for selecting a file ( I wrote it to be run from Access, so
it creates an Excel object; you can skip that if you are running it in Excel):

Public Function GetFile(Types As Byte, Optional FPath As String, Optional
Prompt As String) As String

' Function to open file selection dialog box, return selected file path
and name
' NOTE: Must include reference to the Microsoft Excel Object Library to
use its
' File dialog box as an object
' Types will have bits set according to the types of files being
searched for:
' (note: these were set by me, can be modified or extended)
' 00000001 (AllFiles,&H1) All Files
' 00000010 (TextFiles,&H2) for Text Files,*.txt
' 00000100 (PLMFiles,&H4) for PLM download files,*.rpt
' 00001000 (CSVFiles,&H8) for Comma Separated Values,*.csv
' 00010000 (ExcelFiles,&H10) for Excel Files,*.xls
' 00100000 (AccessFiles,&H20) for Access Files,*.mdb
' 01000000 (&H40) RESERVED
' 10000000 (&H80) RESERVED
' Any other choice, e.g. Types = 0, will give "All Files"
' User can "OR" these choices to get multiple file types

' FPath is the default file path

' Header is what will appear as the dialog box title

' Must declare an object variable as an Excel Application to allow the
use of
' the Excel file selection dialog
' (ONLY if not run in Excel, just use Application object if you are
already in Excel)

Dim AppXL As New Excel.Application
Dim FilText, FilTypes As String
Dim Heading As Variant

AppXL.DefaultFilePath = FPath

If Prompt = "" Then Heading = "SELECT FILE" Else Heading = Prompt

FilText = ""
FilTypes = ""

' Set the FileFilter based on the Types specified

If ((Types And &H20) = &H20) Then FilText = "ACCESS"
If ((Types And &H20) = &H20) Then FilTypes = "*.mdb"

If ((Types And &H10) = &H10) Then
If FilText = "" Then FilText = FilText & "EXCEL" Else _
FilText = FilText & ";EXCEL"
If FilTypes = "" Then FilTypes = "*.xls" Else _
FilTypes = FilTypes & ";*.xls"
End If

If ((Types And &H8) = &H8) Then
If FilText = "" Then FilText = FilText & "Comma-Separated Values"
Else _
FilText = FilText & ";Comma-Separated Values"
If FilTypes = "" Then FilTypes = "*.csv" Else _
FilTypes = FilTypes & ";*.csv"
End If

If ((Types And &H4) = &H4) Then
If FilText = "" Then FilText = FilText & "PLM Download Files" Else _
FilText = FilText & ";PLM Download Files"
If FilTypes = "" Then FilTypes = "*.rpt" Else _
FilTypes = FilTypes & ";*.rpt"
End If

If ((Types And &H2) = &H2) Then
If FilText = "" Then FilText = FilText & "Text Files" Else _
FilText = FilText & ";Text Files"
If FilTypes = "" Then FilTypes = "*.txt" Else _
FilTypes = FilTypes & ";*.txt"
End If

If FilTypes = "" Then FilText = "All Files"
If FilTypes = "" Then FilTypes = "*.*"

FilText = FilText & "," & FilTypes

GetFile = AppXL.GetOpenFilename(FilText, , Heading, False)

Set AppXL = Nothing

End Function


I...don't think this is what I need.

What I'm looking for is an object, with properties and methods, that
replicates to some degree the treeview on the Windows Explorer. I don't want
the user to have to pick from dialog boxes.

I know could use a TreeView control and populate it via the FileSystem
object, but it seems to me like there's already a control that's designed
explicitly for directory browsing. I just can't seem to find it.

Thanks though.

Dave Peterson


seems like it should work. You can even use multiselect:=true to get more than
one filename in that same folder.

Option Explicit
Sub testme01()

Dim myFileNames As Variant
Dim wkbk As Workbook
Dim fCtr As Long

myFileNames = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files, *.xls", _

If IsArray(myFileNames) = False Then
Exit Sub
End If

For fCtr = LBound(myFileNames) To UBound(myFileNames)
Set wkbk = Workbooks.Open(FileName:=myFileNames(fCtr))
'do some things
wkbk.Close savechanges:=True 'or False???
Next fCtr

End Sub

If you're looking for a name to save a file, look at
Application.GetSaveAsFilename in VBA's help.


If that is so I don't know of any ActiveX control that is supplied with
Office that does what you want, perhaps a 3rd party control exists.
Otherwise you are correct that you could do it with a treeview but it would
take a while to do all the coding.

Perhaps someone else out there knows a control that does this.

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