Embed an image



I am taking on a project where I need to resize an image and then embed it.
What's the difference between embedding an image and just inserting it?

What do I need to do to embed the image?



The Office programs, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, etc. can embed objects or link
to the objects.

An embedded object can be a picture (image, graphic), sound file, flash
file, spreadsheet, etc. When the user, uses the insert menu, to insert a
picture from a file into a word document the picture is usually embedded. The
insert menu also provides for a user to Insert an object. (If you have never
used this option take a look at the large number of objects that can be
inserted into a document. The list is very long.)

When an object is embedded into a word document it becomes part of the
document. This increases the file size. In the case of a photo, the user can
edit the picture within word and the original photo (located in an external
file) is not altered.

For a linked object, coding is inserted into the word document that links to
the original object. Usually the original object is an external file. With
linked objects, the file size is smaller than if the object was embedded.
Linked objects can be edited using programs other than word. In the case of a
spreadsheet, the user can use Exel to edit the spreadsheet. When the user
opens the linked document in word, any changes to the spreadsheet may be
automatically copied from the source file into the word document.

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