Email Report as an Attachment




In Access 2003, I have a query named Q_Reminder which pulls all tickets
which are older than a week. I also have a report based off this query named
R_Reminder. I need to be able to write VBA code that will automatically send
an email to Outlook with the report as an attachment. I want my attachment
to be in Word ".doc" or Adobe ".pdf" format.

Below is what I have so far. I just can't get the attachment in the proper

DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "R_Reminder", acFormatTXT, _
"(e-mail address removed)", , , "Reminder list for past due accounts", _
"See attached for a list of past due accounts", True

Thanks in advance!


instead of acFormatTXT, use acFormatRTF to send as an object in Word format

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at


Thanks for the info. I had tried that at one point, but the .rtf file didn't
have the same formatting as my Access report so I thought I was doing
something wrong.


unfortunately, RTF does not look exactly like the Access Report. An
advantage is that you can select information, something that cannot be
done with Snapshot format, which looks exactly like the Access Report
(but is basically an image).

I often write programs to put information into Excel for reporting --
it takes a bit longer but most people really like it and the reports are
easy to email.

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at


Perhaps that's something I should consider. Can you point me in the right
direction to get started?

Thanks you so much!


Excel_Conversation, tips, CopyFromRecordSet

Hi (what is your name?),

If you are not comfortable with VBA, email me and request the VBA
chapters I send out free

here is some "shell" code I use when I am going to write a program with
Excel automation...

Function Excel_Conversation()

On Error GoTo Proc_Err

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application, _
booLeaveOpen As Boolean

'if Excel is already open, use that instance
booLeaveOpen = True

'attempting to use something that is not available
'will generate an error
On Error Resume Next
Set xlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
On Error GoTo Proc_Err

'If xlApp is defined, then we
'already have a conversation
If TypeName(xlApp) = "Nothing" Then
booLeaveOpen = False
'Excel was not open -- create a new instance
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If

'Do whatever you want

On Error Resume Next

If TypeName(xlApp) <> "Nothing" Then
xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.Close False
If Not booLeaveOpen Then xlApp.Quit
Set xlApp = Nothing
End If

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description _
, , "ERROR " & Err.Number & " Excel_Conversation"
'comment next line after debugged
Stop: Resume

Resume Proc_Exit
End Function
I often use a template to make new workbooks with one sheet ("master"),
that I make copies of, fill and rename. I have found the the formatting
doesn't always stick in Excel, so this syntax has been very handy for
formatting a range...

xlApp.Range(xlSht.Cells(8, 5), xlSht.Cells(mRow + 1, 10)).NumberFormat =

and for putting formulas into Excel instead of calculation results...

xlSht.Cells(mRow, 7).Formula = "=IF(E" & mRow & "=0,0,F" & mRow & "/E" &
mRow & ")"

pSht.Cells(pRow2, 5).Formula = "=SUM(E" & pRow1 & ":E" & pRow2 - 1 & ")"

"p" is my passed parameter notation -- to modularize the code, I often
send a recordset, an Excel object reference, possibly row numbers,
etc... to another routine to do the writing to Excel. That way, it is
easier to add a loop too ;)

here's another handy tip...

to launch Excel code from Access

'this is the workbook with the code if it is somewhere else
xlApp.Workbooks.Open mPath & "PROGRAMS.XLS"

'this is the workbook to run code on, or just to open
xlApp.Workbooks.Open mExcelFile

'run Sub in Programs Workbook if applicable
xlApp.Run "PROGRAMS.XLS!ModuleName.SubName"

to make a new workbook based on a template...

xlApp.Workbooks.Add _
Template:= _
CurrentProject.Path _
& "\Templates\Filename.xlt"


for copying large amounts of data such as returns from a table or query,
an efficient way is to use CopyFromRecordSet. Here is some code that
you can use as an example -- the base code was provided by NateO, a real
ADO genius:

Sub MakePullLists(pPath As String, pQname As String)

On Error GoTo Proc_Err

'Declare your ADO Recordset
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

'Excel Objects
' Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
' Dim xlWb As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlApp As Object
Dim xlWb As Object

'Field Names - Stack into Array
Dim fldArr() As String

'Need some loop counters
Dim j As Long _
, iQ As Long _
, i As Long

Dim mFilename As String
mFilename = pPath & pQname

i = 1

'OLE - Create xl Objects
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.application")
' Set xlApp = New Excel.Application

'Add a new Workbook, with one Worksheet, to our Excel Application
Set xlWb = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(1)

'this is commented out because to show you can loop if you want
'For i = LBound(sqlArr) To UBound(sqlArr)

'New ADO Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

'Open the Recordset, Passing the Sql from our Array
rs.Open CurrentDb.QueryDefs(pQname).SQL, CodeProject.Connection, _
adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

With rs
'Stack a String Array with the Field Names
ReDim fldArr(0 To .Fields.Count - 1)

For j = LBound(fldArr) To UBound(fldArr)
Let fldArr(j) = .Fields(j).Name
Next j

'Time to Pass some Data to Excel!
With xlWb.Worksheets
'Add a Worksheet if we're at 2nd Recordset or Greater
If i > 1 Then .Add After:=.Item(i - 1)
'Refer to the Worksheet by Item Number
'in the Collection of Worksheets (1-based)
With .Item(1)
'Pass our dynamic Field String Array to A1,
'stretched to the Right for number of Elements
Let .Range("a1").Resize(, UBound(fldArr) + 1).Value = fldArr

'Copy our Current Recordset to A2
.Range("a2").CopyFromRecordset rs

'Rename Individual Worksheet
.Name = "WorksheetName"

'however many columns of data you have, if desired

End With
End With
End With

'Moving on, no need to close or terminate our RS, yet,
' we're going to recycle in the Loop

'end of optional loop

'Make Excel visible - (Otherwise Save and Close)
With xlApp
.Goto xlWb.Worksheets(1).Range("A1")
'commented but can be activated if desired
'xlSht.Cells(1, 1).Activate
'.Visible = True
End With


'delete file if it already exists
If Dir(mFilename) <> "" Then
On Error Resume Next
Kill mFilename
On Error GoTo Proc_Err
End If

'commented because there was not code to disable in this case
'if you are writing to a template with code, you may want
'to disable events in the beginning
'xlApp.EnableEvents True

xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs mFilename
xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.Close False

On Error Resume Next

'Terminate our Excel Object Variables
Set xlWb = Nothing
If TypeName(xlApp) <> "Nothing" Then
Set xlApp = Nothing
End If

'Now close and terminate the ADO Recordset, we're all done!!
rs.Close: Set rs = Nothing

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, , "ERROR " & Err.Number & " MakePullLists"
'press F8 to step through code and debug
'remove next line after debugged
Stop: Resume
Resume Proc_Exit
End Sub

the reason for this:
' Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
' Dim xlWb As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlApp As Object
Dim xlWb As Object

is because I often use early binding (as Excel.xxxx) for developing and
late binding (as Object) for distribution

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at



I have Adobe Profession v 7.

I would like to be able to convert a selected messages in Outlook and save
the message as a PDF in a predetermined folder. One of the things is that I
would like to attach the msg file and the attachements of the msg in the
output adobe PDF.

I am expecting that this is going to be no mean task.

Any help would be appreciated.



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