Email not being sent



Today I found Outlook asking if I wanted to archive my personal folders,
something it does every now and then, as always I said "yes" and it started
doing it in the background while it downloaded a bunch of emails (seems
Outlook stops looking for mail if it has that question pending).

When it finished I tried to send an email and noticed it was sitting in the
Outbox box without being sent... looking at the "details" I see that Outlook
marks the "Sending from XXX account" as completed, even thou it still has
that email waiting to be sent. I suspected a problem with my provider so I
opened to "accounts" wizard and "tested" the account. As expected I promptly
received the test-email with no problems.

I deleted the email from the outbox and tried again with no luck. Trying to
send several emails just keeps adding them to the outbox while no one gets
actually sent.

Any ideas?



Forgot to say I am using Outlook 2003 SP1 and XP SP2 with an ethernet
broadband internet connection.

All the latests updates have been applied...

BillR [MVP]

are you sure it is going out via the correct account?
Specify the account then see if it works. I know I can have this problem
when the Outlook Connector sets a Hotmail account as default all by itself.


I did checked that the account was the correct one.

I solved the problem by reinstalling Outlook, with all the hassle it


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