Email field in a contact record


Max Yaffe

I'm using Outlook 2000 SP-3 with a POP3 server. Outlook is set to use
Internet Mail Only.

In my contact folder sometimes a contact's email is the expected email
address, e.g. (e-mail address removed) but sometimes it is just the
contact's name, Joe Blow (but underlined). When I double click on an
address of the 1st form, an "Email Properties" dialog box opens. When
I double click on an address of the 2nd form, a multi-tab dialog box
named "Joe Blow Properties" opens and shows all kinds of information
about Mr. Blow.
1) What causes this difference?
2) How can I get all the contacts to behave in the first mode, i.e.
show the email address?

Thanks for your help.

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Show the email address where? You never made that clear. "In your contact
folder" doesn't narrow it down very much.
Any address that is resolved will show the familiar name underlined, not the
address. You can't change that, nor can I think of any reason you need to.

Max Yaffe

Dear Russ,

Sorry I wasn't more clear. I'll try again.
Here's the procedure:

1) Open Outlook Contacts folder

2) Double click on contact "Joe Blow".

A contact record form opens. It is a multitab dialog with the tab
headings: General, Details, Activites, Certificates, All Fields

The General tab contains name, title, company, file as, address, four
telephone numbers, e-mail address, web page, notes, categories,
contacts, private, and so forth.

3) Look at Email field. It's contents are "Joe Blow" and the text is

Are you with me?

4) Now click on a different contact record "Jane Doe"

A similar contact record form opens.

5) Look at the Email field. Its contents are an email address:
"(e-mail address removed)". also underlined.

My question is -- Why does one record show as a name and the next as
an email address?

I want this field to show the email address and not the name again so
I don't have to go to some other form to change it.

Please note that this behavior is replicated in other email fields
throughout Outlook such as the place where you add names to a mailing
list. It is very annoying.


Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Were these Contacts created in different versions of Outlook? Were some

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

That would explain it. Each version of Outlook has used a different format
for the Display As field.

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